MovieChat Forums > Mental (2009) Discussion > The camera work is terrible!

The camera work is terrible!

The lighting looks really artificial and odd, it seems like the camera isn't on a tripod and the angles and changes between shots are just awkward.
Did anyone else notice anything weird about the camera?


yes! it is really awkward and reminds me of a bad soap opera. And the lighting is horrid. Also the way the characters are seems very placed, stiff and unnatural. All of it is quite bothersome.


The lighting is just the same as with any other show.

You're just nitpicking because you dislike the show.


Maybe one of the reasons why he dislikes the show is that the cinematography is bad.

For the original poster, I think the reason it looks so artificial and bland is that they used video cameras to shoot the show.


I can somewhat relate to this thread I made ( ).

Honestly, this show doesnèt feel "important" 'cause of the camera work and all the other cinematography work in this. Sigh...I would have taken this show more seriously if it was at least filmed like House or other TV series.


I haven't seen the show so I can't comment, but don't shows rarely use tripods? It's almost always 100% shoulder mounted or steadicam camera work.


I actually don't mind the show, but the camera work is really appalling.


I am so thankful that we have so many experts here to enlighten us on the shortcomings of the actors, crew and producers and so on. Perhaps they should all band together and produce a proper TV program. Do us proud!


I agree! The production value of the show is awful! It doesn't seem like a "real" place. It just looks like a set and the lighting (and set decoration) is awful! It looks really flat and boring. I would hate to be one of the actors on that show because the lighting is not flattering AT ALL! It looks really low budget. Hopefully if it gets picked up for another season they will invest some more $$ into the production value.

The show itself is not too bad. Nowhere near House but I think it has potential. I am still enjoying it, especially since there is nothing else to watch this time of year, but I just can't get past how "fake" the set looks. Get rid of the DP and the Production Designer and hire some people who know how to light and make a set look real!


I'm watching it for the first time. You know when you're flipping channels the shows that make you stop are always the ones with good lighting and "photography"(?). You know, the way they frame it and change shots.

The actors are really bad. This reminds a bit about that show Burn Notice. But at least that one is mostly outdoors and has some action. It's not a good show but it's watchable when nothing else good is on.

If they could fix this I think they could have a great show.



not just the camera work- the whole thing looks cheap and I had to turn up the volume on the TV from the normal setting just to hear it. Then the commerials about knock you out of your chair...


I didn't notice anything in the episode I saw last, but I'll pay closer attention next time.
