MovieChat Forums > Cuidado con el ángel (2008) Discussion > Please remember to let us know if what y...

Please remember to let us know if what you are posting containsa spoiler

Please remember that some of us watching this novela are in the U.S. and are, therefore, behind what is going on in this story in comparison to what has already been broadcasted in some Latin American countries (i.e. Mexico). I realize that some spanish language cable stations in the U.S.A are ahead in the sequence of events, therefore some people here in the states know a little bit more about what is happening in the story. That is fine, but if you are going to post something here you need to identify it as a possible spoiler. I have come across some spoilers that I was very upset about because I was not expecting to read them. I know certain details about the story that I did not want to know about and they have kind of ruined the experience of watching this novela. Please be a bit more conscientious when you post questions or comments on here.


Oh well!!!
