MovieChat Forums > Cuidado con el ángel (2008) Discussion > Adrian should have made Marichuy come to...

Adrian should have made Marichuy come to his house for the lessons

I hate character's like Adrian--the quintessential nice guy. In yesterday's episode he goes to Marichuy's home to give her lessons. His reasoning is "..if you won't reciprocate my love, I can at least give you knowledge." He even supplied Marichuy with school supplies. When I was watching the episode, I just thought: "You should have made Marichuy come to your house for the lessons."
You offer to give her free lessons, supply her with books and writing utensils, and you still have to go to her house to give her the lessons. *beep* that. Make her come to you. When I saw that it reminded me of a Heineken commerical where a woman is sitting at a bar and a guy sits next to her and say's "Can I buy you a drink?" The woman responds: "Sure, I'll have a Heineken." The woman receives her beer and immediately leaves. Marichuy is just dragging a long Adrian just like that woman dragged a long that guy in the commercial even though she doesn't know what she's doing to him.


I can't stand characters like that either and I don't see how he is important to the story. I do not like how he gives Marichuy advice that supposedly is good for her when in reality he will benefit. When Marichuy left Juan Miguel Addrian quickly found a lawyer for her and was pushing her to file for a divorce. He just wanted her to be free of Juan Miguel so that he could continue to persue her.
