MovieChat Forums > Cuidado con el ángel (2008) Discussion > Spoilers. (Mexico Broadcast) If you don'...

Spoilers. (Mexico Broadcast) If you don't want to be spoiled.....

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Wow, so much has happened. I feel so bad for Juanmi, he did so much for MC and she threw it in his face. I'm tired of Marichuy acting the victim all the time. I remember when her lies hurt so many people and she didn't care as long as she had her hijo. Remember Omar, Marichuy? Essentially, that is what her family (including Onelia, Cande, Rocio, Daniel) all did but, it was for a good reason. I don't think I would hate or be upset with the man who gave me back my sight so I could she my child! I rarely dislike a protagonist but, I'm starting to dislike her in the last bits here. I would think she would be relieved that Dr. Pablo C. and Juanmi are one and the same. At least her love is consistent. I never did understand how she could kiss him and not know it was him anyway.

I think Ana Julia has finally ticked Juanmi off. I think that is the last straw for him. I think she knows it too. A smart villian would have bided thier time but, not her she rushed right in there and declared all. If you want the guy you don't pissed him off to the extent that he doesn't want to see you ever again.
OMG! Amador has turned out to be the worst. I can't believe the stuff he is doing to Rafa(I don't like Rafa) but, he doesn't deserve to be hailed in a van. Vicente? What happened to him? I would have never thought he would betray Rocio after all they went through to be 2gether. Now he is a criminal. Que? I just don't see his character going this way at all. sorry, writers but, they messed up that one. Why bring in the new doctor with 10 episodes left. This makes no sense to me. If they put him with Marichuy I am going to be very disappointed! He has enough mountains to climb without adding another rival for her affection. I'm glad she had that talk with Padrecito she needed a reality check and to realize she is lucky to have all these people who love her and want the best for her. It seems like we won't get much in the way of scenes wiht JuanMi and Mari as couple and being in love. Ugh!!! I was really hoping to get one more intimate moment with these two.

My theories at this point are that something will happend to JuanMi at the hands of Amador when he delivers the money. We will see Mari crying over him in the hospital and wishing she had forgiven him. I'm thinking Ana Julia will do something desperate like take Mayita. Mari will forgive everyone but, JuanMi until the last episode. Beatriz and Eduardo's son will be "cured." Rocio and Daniel will be married. Elsa and Rafa will make a go of it. JuanMi of course will save Rafa. Vincente will go to jail. Amador and Ana Julia will end up either in jail or meet their untimley end. Did I leave anyone out? Anyone have any theories? It's a novela so anything can happen. 10 more capitulos to go...



Yeah, you will see Rafa and Daniel down the road.
