Is this better than Avatar?

Cause my friend told me that extraterrestrial measures doesn't have aliens or explosions but its still really cool.


What you should be asking is if this is better than the Avatard.


Wow, the fact that you were able to one up the utter stupidity of the OP is simply unbelievable. Comparing a film like Avatar to a film like Extraordinary Measures is quite frankly one of the most ridiculous comparisons I have ever heard of but the fact that someone replied to such a stupid post with "Avatard".....well lets just say the stupidity that some people show in this forum never ceases to amaze me. I just love the irony involved when someone uses the name "Avatard". A simple case of the pot calling the kettle black.


Ha!! You fell for it, too!!


I believe that the contrasting figures and colors of Extraordinary Measures far outweighs the passion expressed through the motion capturing that clearly expresses James Cameron's hatred toward the democratic party in Avatar.

If Jimmy cracked corn and no one cares, why is there a song about it?



Switch your brain back on lol



Its the exact same movie in terms of story and character development, but the aliens arent blue.


I'd rather be punched in the face by a stranger than to watch Avatar again


That will most likely happen.


Anything is better than Avatar.


Anything is better than Avatar...pretty much...except TDK.


^^^^^^hater alert


TDK is a good movie....I mean if you can get passed the part where Batman gets owned by a couple dogs..Yea def a good movie...NAT. Avatar Styles on EM and TDK.
Hate that bitch.


I dont even remember that part, but have you ever fought a dog? I haven't, but I had a golden retriever and I pegged him in the head with a baseball a few times by accident (I was playing catch with someone else but he liked to try to intercept) and he didnt even feel it. And baseballs can knock a human out.

Just sayin. Since I dont remember the scene you are talking about, I will say that if they were terriers, fail batman. but anything that is a pitbull (hugest jaws and never let go) or labrador or bigger (sheer size) could pose a much more serious problem than some scared thug with a small caliber firearm.


They were Rottweilers. You would not last 5 seconds against 2 of those... I dont think you have any idea how strong a grown up Rottweiler actually is.


Uh, are you talking to me?



lmao....that sums this whole thread up.


99.99% of movies are better than Avatar, and that includes adult movies genre and its subgenres.


LOl, this thread is really depressing eh?

A bunch of internet trolls with nothing better to do than to hate on movies that are universally excepted as good, if not exceptional....get a life



No-one sells out their own entire species in Extraordinary Measures - although there are some examples of back-room capitalism that come close. But unlike Avatar EM is a thing you might be able to watch twice. And it has the old grumpy Indiana Jones too - with better writing than Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull.
