Brendan Fraser

I am so excited about this film! Finally, a meaty part that Brendan can sink his acting chops into! People who think that he just does "fish out of water" characters are going to be greatly surprised. I've been a long time fan of Brendan who appreciates that he is a fantastic actor. He can play comedy as well as drama. Anyone who has seen Gods and Monsters, School Ties or The Passion of Darkly Noon would know that he is a chameleon. He becomes whoever he is playing. Harrison Ford is another fav of mine and the fact that they are both in this movie together is fantastic!

Who will love me now?-Darkly


I agree with you! Brendan's gonna be great! He always is. Excellent choice. I was longing to see him in a drama, again.
Yes, I just can't wait to see this film.


I remember him being very good in Scrubs too, and despite the show it was a pretty dramatic role.


I concur!! I've been saying this along. "Will someone get Brendan Fraser a three dementional role?" He finally gets to be in another movie without mummies, walt disney, or Alicia Silverstone!!


He was excellent in The Quiet American, too.

Could be good.


Oh damn, I missed that one. I should probably check that out though. Thanks, dude, or ma'am, or . . . what the hell are you? Anyway, thanks.


This one is going to be a real tear-jerker, and no one better to bring that 'manly man with emotion' kind of character to the screen than Brendan Fraser.

Winners don't even know they are in a race. They just love to run.


I concur.


I saw Brendan Fraser and crew filming @ the Nike headquarters in Beaverton tonight. Fraser wasn't in the scene, but there was a scene being filmed around the interior lake. I think Fraser was due for his scene later that evening. Many lights were trucked in for this purpose.

Fraser was wearing a light green long sleeved shirt and tie tonight. It was strange seeing him in town! He is a tall dude.


Cavie: What no Pictures?!!! And you call yourself a movie fan. Just kidding. I don't even know you so why am I busting your chops!!! Sorry. LOL

Winners don't even know they are in a race. They just love to run.


Finally people who agree with me about Brendan,I remember the first time I saw him was in Encino Man,and the fact that he had maybe one line,and it was all facial expressions and gestures,and you always knew exactly what he was him
why spiders!why couldn't it be follow the butterflies?


Like wise, it's also good to see Harrison Ford working with some real talent. Over the past few years he hasn't made a truly solid movie. Regardless, I still love them all.


Why aren't you people talking your heads off about him in his thread too!

Seriously, we're a bunch of Brendanite freaks over there who need our daily Fraser Fix or we start to slowly parish into oblivion.

Come on down!

Sometimes it takes a beating to make you realize you have to move on....


He is wonderful in this film. I do not understand why he did not garner more favorable reviews. He does not receive the respect that he deserves. On the other hand I thought Harrison Ford was so unlikeable, loud, unpleasant, and he chewed the scenery. I don't know if it was trying to compete with Brendan's subtler style or what but it felt forced and I have always thought of him as a natural, easy-going actor.

"I say,open this door at once! We're British !"


I've read quite a bit about this family and their situation. Apparently the doc Ford portrayed in the movie was just like that. Kinda brash and gruff.

I thought it was great that I had more patience. Turns out... I just don't give a sh!t


Apparently he had trouble breaking character as I have never heard of him yelling at another actor in the middle of a scene just for flubbing a difficult line (medical terminology). We can't all be Gillian Anderson !

"Life is uncertain, eat dessert first!"🍨🍪-HOMER J.SIMPSON
