Don't get

why people are so torqued up over the fact that the Ng character was 'too white'. Whitewashed as it were. Talk about being averse to diversity! Could it not be possible that a woman who is half Asian and half European looks more European? It's happened before with mixed genealogy. I truly don't know what kind of future we are going to have when people get hung up on identity on an exclusive basis. And it's ironic that the people who preach 'diversity' and 'tolerance' have no tolerance for diversity, unless it's the right kind of diversity. People who harangue over this kind of thing are far from tolerant and at the end of the day are spending way too much time thinking about how to reconcile their own prejudices.


The character is full in white with no features of being what her parents are. Her parents genes are much stronger then Caucasian and she would not be full blown white. Its possible for her to have pale skin, but if you live in Hawaii your skin will not be that pale


There have been cases where two offspring of a mixed race couple (black father, white mother) have coloring where one resembles the father and one the mother. In other words, one with African features and color, one with Caucasian features and color (blond in fact). It is an oddity but it does happen. So why such a stretch with NG? And living in Hawaii does not mean an automatic tan. I worked with a guy of German descent who was born and brought up in Hawaii and he said he never tanned no matter how much sun he got. Just don't know why people think they have to suspend dis-belief with regard to the NG character.


I agree. And besides she was only 1/4 Hawaiian, not 1/2.


You are right, OP, it's just that people get upset when a Caucasian person portrays a minority. I guess that they could have hired an actress who looked white but was asian or half-asian, etc...
