definite potential

lets be real this show could soooooo be the shznit if a cpl things change.
1.) RECAST. not everyone but most.
-Keep: Tarique(hilarious), Anthony (hot bod), Lyric(best actress by far the rest are 1 note), Eboni girl (just for *beep* and giggles, her stuff is total comedy. lol)
-DROP: everyone else. or better yet keep the rest of them on skinamax and take the talented ones elsewhere.
writing could so be better. but if they just tighten it up I could totally see it on doing great! keep up the great work!



The only problem with this series is Patience the 'Zane' character. She has no spark or sexual appeal to me and really ain't cute, no disrespect. She seems clumsy and overly restrained for a supposed erotic provocateur. Drop Pat and it's cool.


Patience is probably what has the show. She does play the hell out of her role.
