
After watching this film, in which I really tried to give it my fullest attention, but ultimately the story is just not interesting. The characters aren't developed well, but the acting was quite disturbingly believable. It's easy to tell Britney is drawing from some dark places to make this movie, and makes it even more tragic concerning her death. But ultimately, the movie didn't do much for me.

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I'd have to agree with you on this. The characters didn't really change, we are left at the end of the movie basically where we began at the beginning of the story. Britneys character was a mess at the start and is a mess at the end. Her girlfriend is still the same old caring girl friend.


On the good side.. the scenes were very suspenseful, the acting was good , the camera work was good, the lighting was good.

It was like going to this beautiful restaurant and the servers sit you down at the table and bring you this beautiful looking meal and you keep hoping its going to deliver but bite after bite its just tasteless, then you think maybe the desert will be good.. but same thing. Your meal ends and you feel empty.


The scene at the end where Britney is laying on the bed completely shattered was really intense, and is almost enough to care about the film because face it, Britney is now dead, and it's impossible not to wonder how much of herself she put into this film, and for that, it's hard not to feel for her character in some way too, I just wish the movie had given more.

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