
I guess my mother and I were the only one's who enjoyed this movie. I really got off into it after the friend left and the main character was alone. The ending was a cliche but it worked for this movie. Yes, it could have went differently, like alot of movies, you think it's one way but in the end it's another. The ending wasn't bad, it actually left me with my jaw-dropping. I don't want to give anything away but it's very convincing.


I also rather enjoyed it.

I love movies, and i don't particularly buy/watch movies to have a strong plot or jaw-dropping ending, i just like something thats interesting and has good actors/actresses.
I watched this movie as i love Thora Birch - literally own all her movies. So did it show both Thora and Brittanys acting abilities to their fullest? Heck no, but they sure made the best they could out of the script, and i respect them for it. We all know they have incredible skills, so people shouldn't just judge them on this movie.
Nevertheless, i thought it was a good movie to watch if you don't expect too much and recommend :)


I didn't think it was as awful as people are making it out to be. It was exactly what I expected. I think people are watching it with the expectation that its a slasher/horror/thrill job. I didn't expect it to be ground breaking, but I thoroughly enjoyed it for what it was.


Thanks for the positive feedback! Well, there was a twist in the movie that was defintely unexpected by me! I throughly enjoyed the movie for what it is. Also, it's more of a suspense movie.

*Put the blame on mame!*


I enjoyed this film also and let's face it. Even as a looney wife killer, Marc Blucas is HOT HOT HOT! HA!
I love the posts by people that talk about all the comparisions to other films. Yes it resembled Secret Window and probably a lot of others. With the amount of movies that are made, Film makers are bound to run out of original ideas at some point! Cut em some slack. To me, films are there for us to enjoy and to help lose yourself in your every day life for a couple of hours. I am not a film critic. Not every film is stellar but if they entertain me then I am satisfied.

