MovieChat Forums > Deadline (2010) Discussion > little nitpick....and a little spoiler.....

little nitpick....and a little spoiler...

Did anybody see a printer that the script ended up getting printed on?


That is EXACTLY what I was thinking.


I was thinking the exact same thing. You just have to use your imagination a bit there. This was a producers house. I would assume the dude would have a printer and some paper in some room in that gigantic house, and that all Alice had to do was hook her laptop into it. ;-D


Good point....
However MY little nitpick was...
Out of a whole cigar box full of video tapes, she haphazardly fumbles around with them and somehow manages to watch them ALL IN ORDER. I didn't see any dates on the tapes, nor did I see any numbers on the tape labels (#1, #2, #3, etc.)
In spite of all the plot holes and everything, I must say I DID enjoy the film. Really good acting, production values, music, and I may sound like I went to school on the small bus, but I didn't see the twists & turns that this film takes you on. Seems lots of people predicted the ending 5 minutes into the movie... Good for them... Guess I'm not that sharp.

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?



Well.... It's good you have morals. I wouldn't snoop either... But then that would make for a VERY boring movie... Just remind your self: It's only a movie... It's only a movie... It's only a movie....

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?



She found things that were supposedly abandoned and looked through them. She didn't have much else to do, and she thought rifling through those items might give her inspiration.

Unethical but not out of character. Writers are often very good at finding reasons to procrastinate, and these items provided one.


I said the exact thing while watching the movie, that it was funny how she managed to watch them all in the correct order. I guess when you get to the end it makes more sense though.

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