MovieChat Forums > Bellflower (2012) Discussion > Does anyone who rated above 6 have a J O...

Does anyone who rated above 6 have a J O B ?

tell us your major accomplishments in life. THIS should be fun.

ps: I am sorry that my generation screwed the world up so badly for your generation, but seriously people, you can do better than this.



According to Rotten Tomatoes, a certain Roger Ebert and at least 56 other film critics (out of 79) rated this well above 6. Now, I do not know what sort of J O B you have that makes you such an authority in the matter (based on the way you write 'job' I would have to guess that you are some sort of preschool teacher, but based on the syntax of your subject header I would hope not), but those guys watch and review movies for a living.


He's just a little butthurt. Look at his post history, likes to think himself superior. He even gives all his posts their own subjects. <g>

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Hey buddy, if you're really sorry about what your generation did, you can make amends by not being such a nasty person to the young people.


critics are freemasonic pieces of crap.


What is your generation, smarty? Retired already? Since you got this much time on your hand to post on a board that you couldn't have cared less.

Dick Laurent is dead.


I don't know about the jobs of those of us in real life. (I rated this a 7, and I am employed.) But it occurred to me as I watched the movie that none of the major characters seemed to have jobs. They all kept busy, but it was hard to tell how they were spending their time.


I'm likely from your same generation (born in '71`) and have a career.

Careers take education. With age comes experience. Between age and experience, one should know how incredibly lame a non sequitur such as the one you based this thread on looks when one imagines it's being conceived by someone with a straight face. Being employed couldn't possibly have less to do with taste in movies than it currently does.

And based on that, I have to conclude that either you yourself don't have a career or a job due to your unawareness of logic fallacy, and/or you're 10 which would mean this movie fits squarely in your actual generation's wheelhouse.

Either way you're not looking too prime right now.


wow slow down kitty worrier, you probably misunderstood his post, he's against this stupid movie.


you don't understand, men rate these movies according to nude scenes (i know, our generation didn't have the free easy pornography they have and still the apes....) and there is major butt in this crappy schet.
