Horrible Film

I've been waiting for months to see this film, and I finally got the chance today, and it was a total letdown. The only characters I was really interested in were Nandini and Pooja- the other girls were barely developed enough, even though I felt sorry for Anjali and Jhankana. I wish they had developed Vishakha more, so we could have seen her "sane" side before we saw her "pagal" side. She and I share the same sign, and I liked her song, but I really wish they had developed her further.

I also hated the cop out way that was used to make Sanjana the bride. I liked her character as well, but it just pissed me off that her boyfriend was so conveniently cheating on her. The supporting characters were all very dull, and none of the film was as funny as the trailers made it seem. The dowry angle was also totally unnecessary.

All in all, I'm glad I watched this on dvd instead of in the theater. I fast forwarded through most of the parts, and even the parts I was watching were hard to get through. I was hoping for so much more, too. :/


If you watch the movie thinking of it as a romantic comedy, you're already biased. You're expecting something and not finding it here which leads you being disappointed. Look at the movie closely, it is a social commentary which is presented to you in a humorous manner instead of browbeating you.

Take Hansa for instance, her parents were conservative and her brought her up without giving her an education in the English language. She was considered as a burden and her parents wanted nothing more than getting rid of her. All this due to the fact that she wasn't a virgin and had sex with a former boyfriend.

This was a severely unfair treatment and it was the price she had to pay for falling in love. Harman is informed of these things but chooses to consider them as unimportant and tries to get to know Hansa for the person she is. He realizes that she is an intelligent woman and she does not regret what she had done and goes on to ask her whether she'll able to give him the same love that she had for her boyfriend and she says that she will try.

Every situation with a girl has a deeper meaning, if you understand that then you shall be rewarded. Dowry is still a major tradition in Indian marriages and an evil one. Harman's character was a nice guy and a man of principles who didn't believe in dowry and didn't want to marry a girl for her money. A man's choices and beliefs say a lot about his character and the dowry issue was used to emphasize this.


I understand what you're saying about Hansa's character, but I'm less concerned about the characters that Priyanka played (because she played them well) than the slapstick sidekicks that were completely useless to the plot. The stock characters, the idiotic brother, and gang members didn't have to be there at all for the film to work, and it could have easily cut down on at least 40 minutes and made the plot more concise and tight!


I felt the same while watching the movie. All those small elements just made the movie longer. It felt like I was taking intervals between each of Priyanka's characters.
