So sad. *spoilers*

Wow.... I didn't see the scene of the father and daughter being killed as well coming the entire time. I knew he had killed kids at school, but that was so upsetting. When she got home, and was looking for Franklin and was about to step outside, and we see what she saw in her dream at the beginning of the film, I was like "Omg he killed his father and sister as well didn't he? That is so largely effed the eff up." and then it SHOWED them and I was crying.

This movie was very disturbing...... but I hope it somehow touches people to either 1) be empathetic or 2) if anyone has this shi* going on their family, always reach out and don't allow things to just keep going as they are.

I mean aside from him killing students, killing his father and sister, it broke my heart the kind of abuse he had toward his mother for years---and the father, wasn't completely oblivious but in complete denial and I'm sure had his own pain about the relationship his son had with his wife. None of that is okay. That was some intense mental and emotional abuse.

I didn't know how to feel towards Kevin except angry though. I am so against any kind of physical abuse. I don't condone hitting children, or hitting anyone. In any type of way. But my god... some scenes in this film of how he treated his mom, I imagined if I had a kid treating me that way. Let's just say I had a few pleasurable moments of thinking about slapping him right in the face. But I feel like before it gets THAT BAD or even when it does, that's when you call the psychiatrist.

Unfortunately it's so sad that many families have their own reasons to why they don't reach out sooner and then situations escalate into these tragedies.

But before this film, I mostly always thought I strongly believed that evil people come from environment or how you're raised. Or both combined. And in this film, all I saw was a mother who didn't have the best parenting skills trying to cope her best with a kid that was actually scary to be around at a very young age, a father in denial, and both parents not taking the proper action so it only got worse.

So he was literally "off" from when he was a baby, the constant screaming as an indication he could not be satisfied. And then from a little boy, A LITTLE BOY be manipulative and controlling and getting joy out of torturing his mother who was always trying in some fashion to teach him, or spend time with him and he would be nothing but cruel.

So evil CAN just be born out of nowhere? Though we didn't see his grandparents, great grandparents. Or any Uncles/Aunts. It can be genetic from people other than your parents I suppose if it comes from when you're a baby and not your environment. She wasn't a horrible mom from the start, and she never laid a hand on him except the changing table scene which is harmless to some horror stories I've heard of parental abuse.


It's the old Nature vs. Nurture I suppose. I believe that the nature part of a person (like Kevin) most always beats any type of nurturing. But then again I could be wrong there's always an exception to any rule.
