Must see movie

Burn this title into your brain: Celda 211 (Cell 211). Spanish movie directed by newcomer Daniel Monzon, about a prison revolt but shot like a bank rob movie.

Incredibly tense, epic, dramatic, violent but with method, more like scary at all times: without the need of showing you brutality or blood (still plenty), because you already know there will be hyperviolence at your first mistake.

And there are tons of deaths by the end, a must for thriller genre fans.


This one is in my list. I have enjoyed all the movies of Monzon and this one sounds pretty good.


Newcomer? Daniel Monzón has already directed some fantastic movies like "El corazón del guerrero" and "The Kovak Box".

Celda 211 is wonderful, by the way.


Loved this movie! The ending is rather shocking and sad, but it definitely needs to be nominated for an Oscar. One of the best Spanish movies I have seen so far while living in Spain!


Really good movie, with an intense and dramatic action during all the history. The tension grows up every minute, and Luis Tosar have a perfect performance.

I'd recommend that film!


Indeed, one of the best Spanish movies in a few years, but it hasn't been shorlisted for the Oscar nominations. Apparently it premiered a tad bit late and the Spanish Academy didn't have enough time to include it in their list.

However, a MUST SEE movie, brilliant performance by Luís Tosar by most of the cast. My only "but", and it is a massive one, is about one of the actors, he sound fake and unnatural throughout the film.



No "Hollywood" movie cliches or a happy ending for this movie. I love the unconventional way that one slowly but inexorably is drawn to the "bad" guy and how the conventional "good" guy's role reverses. A solid 8/10.


I agree with all of you, this film is really well done!! It gets a bit difficult to watch it at times, because of all the violence, but the tension keeps you on tenterhooks throughout the whole film Some of those violent scenes really gave me a hard time, though... Especially the very first one, right when the film starts. I avoided looking at the screen during all that scene, but I kept hearing that dripping sound... It was a relief when that scene ended!! XD


You weren't the only one. A lot of people in theather where i was watching the film didnt look at the screen in that scene. I think thats something, specially for a spanish movie. i got out the cinema really shocked, i even dreamt about prisons that night. Luis Tosar is one of the greatest, and Daniel Monzon a director who really loves cinema. Along with "3 Dias" and "Azuloscurocasinegro" is the best spanish movie i have seen for so long ("Agora" too, indeed).
By the way who is that unnaturally actor you said?



nothing you can compare to the usual prison movie. supperb acting, also recomend the original voices


great movie

Eric C 4 Prez


definitely a MUST SEE movie.


I watched this movie maybe 3 months ago, and it's still intensely in my mind, I thought it was amazing. Def. the best 'prison' movie i've seen, and one of the best foreign films i've seen in a while. I watched it the same night I watched "Moon' which is another flatout phenomenal film, so it was pretty much movie magic that night, but Celda 211 was amazing on so many levels.
