MovieChat Forums > Celda 211 (2009) Discussion > policeman coming into the prison alone

policeman coming into the prison alone

Something is unbelievable in the film...
Why do police officers come into the prison without any protection?
Police shouldn't provide new hostages, and they do it twice.


that was one of the very first requisites from the felongs in order to not kill the current hostages.


The OP's point is that standard procedure is to NOT give hostage takers new hostages. By walking into the staging area, the authorities it twice (first with the negotiator, then with the murderous guard).

The hostage takers can make as many demands as they want, but negotiation is an art. Both sides have something to lose. The hostage takers have a massive incentive not to kill hostages (i.e., jail time, getting killed, etc.), while the authorities have a massive incentive to not get hostages killed or provide new ones (i.e., bad P.R., the loss of life [perhaps in that order for the men in this film, hehe], etc.).

It's going to continue to happen in films, though. Just like when a hostage taker says to the good guy, "Put down your weapon or I'll kill this guy I'm holding hostage!" and the good guy actually does it! Standard police procedure is to NEVER give up your weapon, because then you're defenseless, too. :-)


Completely agree. Standard police procedure only allows someone to enter such a situation in exchange for a hostage. Otherwise you run the risk of just providing the hostage takers with more hostages (and hence increase their bargaining position).
