MovieChat Forums > Celda 211 (2009) Discussion > (Spoilers) guy who gives the file

(Spoilers) guy who gives the file

Sorry if my subject gave away too much.

Anyway, I enjoyed the movie a lot but I was confused in the part where Malamadre goes out and finds the file on Juan (saying that he is a prison guard). And we catch a glimpse of another guy through the bars. Who is this guy? I didn't see it very well.


The guy at the window that we half-see through the bars is Ernesto Almansa, the little man with the glasses they first send to negotiate with the prisoners.

He's also the one being interviewed at the end of the film, testifying about the events, where he says he'll never forgive himself for not being able to get Juan out alive. Obviously he's lying, since he's the one who wanted Juan killed in the first place (hence him giving the file to Malamadre).


thanks for the reply! it's been quite awhile now since i saw the movie.

he's the guy sent by the government? why would he want Juan killed?


I'm not sure if he's sent directly by the government or not, but he's definitely the one who's supposed to come to an agreement with the prisoners so the situation can be fixed as soon as possible.

In my opinion, when he realizes that the situation has gotten completely out of control (what with Elena's death), he concludes that trying to save Juan is just way too risky and complicated (one of the reasons the police can't just barge in is because Juan could be harmed in the process of containing the prisoners); plus, now that Juan's wife is dead he can also become a threat to the police. So anyways, I think Almansa just took the easy path and decided that getting rid of him was the best thing to do. Of course, it can't be one of their side who kills him, so he slips Malamadre the file hoping he'll do it instead. That way, it would just be a case of 'prisoner kills prisoner', since outside of the prison no one knows Juan is actually a guard.


The guy who throws the file is not the one sent by the government. That one was younger and taller. Almansa is the first guy (glasses, older) sent to negotiate and who keeps contact with Malamadre throughout the movie (and, if I recall, also tried to "buy" Malamadre with a shorter sentence).


It was Almansa. Malamadradre calls him by name over the walkie-talkie, just before going outside.

Quand le doigt montre le ciel, l'imbécile regarde le doigt.
