I have no clue

Attention! - Read with caution, spoilers in present text!

I am now almost an hour into this movie, and I haven't a clue about what is going on. Four friends are going camping, a truck rams them off the road. The driver fractures his arm, bone sticking out. The truck that rammed them, has come to a stop further down the road. It is abandoned, and mysterious, no sign of anybody. All of a sudden, a gunshot is heard, and a man, presumably deranged, rushes towards them, firing one shot after another. They scurry into the command module of the truck, yes I used command module, for a lack of a better word, I do not know what it is called. They drive off. The guy who is driving, falls asleep at the wheel, and apparently drives them offroad.

So this is the context we have to go by.

I assume everyone has their own perception of this movie, so I am going to construe. So, apparently, there is something about this truck. It would seem, that it runs on blood, for whatever reason. It effects the people it is driven by. It remains unknown, what was in the cargo container at the back of the chain, but the first one, contains some sort of device, that shreds people, who are put into it, and it converts their body into fuel, so the truck needs a constant supply of blood, or sacrifice if you will, to run.

One thing that bothered me, is that I could not stop pondering the symbolism, of the three-headed dog figurine, on the front of the truck, along with several short scenes, of the three dogs, gnarling and slobbering.. The symbolism? I was thinking guardian. I drew the parallel from Harry Potter's Fluffy. I looked into it - lo and behold, Cerberus.

Based on the final scene, when Nina ran for the truck, which at the time, was being passed along to another set of people, it would seem a reasonable assumption, that the guy in the similar scene, who ran at them with a gun when they first seized the truck, he had just been through the same thing, that Nina had just been, when the truck was taken from him, like it was taken from Nina, in this situation.

Also, Liz and Craig were locked in the container, at the very back of the truck, how did they suddenly jump out from the back, when Nina was driving?

Why is Craig in particular, so affected by the truck? Evil tendencies? Weak willed?

What is in the second cargo container, at the back? Hell?

Conclusion; If I was not into reviewing movies, criticism or willing to ponder the symbolism of points of interest in movies, and if I was just looking for a typical, run-of-the-mill horror movies, with some jumpscares, ghosts and other paranormal shenanigans, I would probably have been thoroughly disappointed by this movie, as it does not contain any of the most intriguing elements of horror, and does not offer an apparent point or meaning.

The acting was decent, I recognized some of the actors immediately, and they did a good job, given the parameters of the movie.


