Why is L "Black"????

What the *beep* is really going on. Are people so afraid of the emotional unstable black viewers out there that now every movie has to have a white character turned black. Seriously get them a *beep* bitch rag and let it be over with. Tired of this *beep* Who gives a *beep* about them. They make all black movies all the time. But if a movie with any other race doesn't have a black person in it. Then they don't like it, if you do. Racism. It is getting pathetic. L should be white, or Asian. But the creator pretty much gave him a make up of white and 25% Japanese. - "His real name, L Lawliet, is only revealed in the guidebook Death Note 13: How to Read. When asked about L's ethnicity, Ohba responded saying "I think of him as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian, a quarter French or Italian, like that".

No where does it say or scream about African or Black Sicilian. This will be just another way for people to say please black people don't dislike our movies. We will put a black person in it.

Its getting pathetic. Didn't we just get obama on his way out the door finally!!




1. Jon gonna guess your part of the black community since you think I'm white. Which I'll take as a small insult. But than the alternative.

2. People "Have" given in too much to the black community out out of fear of being labeled racist.

3. I'll smile an say "So the *beep* what", its a word. None that follow me to the grave. So not worried *beep* your little pitiful lives they dont matter.

Last but not least. I'm big enough that I would beat wholesale ass so I speak my mind because "I can!"



If you have a problem with L being black you are racist. Who cares? Does it really make that much of a difference? Race shouldn't matter. By the same token I don't care that they made Light "white". Again, race doesn't matter. Now, if you cast a white guy as a Japanese Samurai that's a whole other story, like back in the day when John Wayne played an "oriental". Short of that, I don't care, just make a good movie. Some of the fan boys need to just chill. Let's see what kind of flick this is before we stomp our feet and pout. To be clear, if it sucks, I will stomp by feet and pout. (and probably bitch at the director on social media, but hey that's what twitter is for)


Racist. An the care would be where? I don't have to like it because they cast a black man for an OBVIOUS white or asain guy. That's as bad as them casting MbJ for the human torch just to appease the black masses. Ridiculously I might add. *beep* it I wanna see the next "Blade or Spawn" be white or Latino. Hell lets go back and recast Danny glovers Mertalk as an asain.


And Light is supposed to be Japanese. If you're okay with them changing Light's ethnicity, then you should be fine with them changing L's as well.


I haven't seen any footage, so I can't tell if this man's personality is fit for L, but I'll reserve my judgment. Almost none of the characters are keeping their race/ethnicity just like in the anime, anyway.

There's also the possibility that the black guy is playing Lind Taylor, L's stand-in, rather than L himself.


movies going to be *beep* director doesn't even seem like he knows much about death note.


Stop trolling lol

"I think I liked it better when I thought Sylar ate brains." -Warriorrenegade
