MovieChat Forums > Your Highness (2011) Discussion > Not an Anchorman or Tropic Thunder, but ...

Not an Anchorman or Tropic Thunder, but has its moments

Most of it was pretty stupid, with the exception of a few good scenes:

-Triangle Face
-"He's a dickless traitor!"
-Marteetee's permanent middle finger
-"Trust me...if your vagina is anything like my hand..we're not going to have a problem." HILARIOUS delivery by Justin
-Kenny Powers trying to be British and failing

Otherwise, I don't remember laughing at anything else in the movie. Waste of 2 hours for just a few good scenes.


Anchorman??? Anchorman is not funny, it was a retarded snoozefest. Tell me you didn't just use Anchorman as a measuring stick for success in a comedy film? WTF??!??? You need to see more movies if Anchorman & Tropic Thunder is your measuring stick for sucess... my God.


If you seriously do not find Anchorman funny then you have zero sense of humor.


those two movies you mentioned have their moments, but even the both of them combined are overrated compared to Your Highness, which actually merits more than a few viewings for me.


As he makes his way through... that orgy.

Not a funny line but the short pause before "that orgy" sells it


I thought to myself, he looks darn familiar (I'm a big fan of the movie American Psycho), and didn't even figure it out until the credits rolled.
It kind of made his lines funnier.

The script was poorly written, lots of comedy opportunities squandered, but it seems like the actors tried, well nearly all of them except for Danny McBride


But Danny McBride was the funniest. I don't know why, but I found him funny simply because he didn't seem to try very hard.

Jack "Things could be worse"
Hurley "...HOW?!"


this movie is better than tropic thunder

"...I'm a contradiction"


The mood you're in when watching a movie plays an important role on whether or not you'll like the movie.So maybe you were in bad mood or humourless that day,because "anchorman" and ESPECIALLY "Tropic thunder" are in no way better than "your highness".In fact, "tropic thunder" is one of the worst,overrated comedies i have ever seen..But that is just my opinion,ain't it?

