Chef Falkner? Really?!

Why did they eliminate the best chef? What is wrong with these judges. The judging criteria for this show is ridiculous.


She is great, but I think she lost that particular challenge fair and square. Too much saffron made the dish hard to eat...that's much worse than being a little under-seasoned.

That said, I don't think she should have been in the showdown to begin with. I think Chef Mehta's dish was worse. And as much as I love Chef Alex, I had a real problem with her stealing an ingredient from another chef and calling that a "risk".

"What is it, Sebastian? I'm arranging matches..."

reply appleman's face here is funny.

Season's Greetings


No question she's a great chef, but she was in the bottom two several times. It was bound to catch up with her...and it did.


That was so sad.. I was really pulling for Chef Faulkner.
I hope she tries again for the Next Iron Chef.



I was also very disappointed. I hope Alex wins now, but won't be watching anymore without Falkner.

Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'



I agree. His last dish in the showdown was pretty mediocre.
