Really!? Applebutt again?

Faulkner, then Mehta, how the hell is he still there? Applebutt isn't mature enough to be an Iron Chef.
Go Dean!Squad



Wait, you say Appleman isn't mature enough to be an iron chef, yet you call him Applebutt?


I call him Bulldog because he looks like one; I'm afraid for poor Marcel (who incidentally has the bluest eyes. . .); Appleman might bite him & give him rabies!

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


Well, I am obviously not mature enough to be an Iron Chef!

Go Dean!Squad


I really dislike Appleman. I don't think he's matured, and find him kind of whiny. I'd be happy with anyone besides him, yes even Marcel, whom I am enjoying watching as I enjoyed watching him since Top Chef. He has personality.

Glory, Glory, Man United, come on you Reds!


i missed it but i'm guessing mehta lost? wow.

Season's Greetings

