Tiffany was an idiot.

Of all the episodes I've seen, the one that made me mad was Tiffany. She suffered from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and she continually refused to see the doctor... even when her BP was ridiculously high and she was in severe pain. And THEN she didn't even call 911 after the birth or tell her husband until he returned from a trip 2 days later!

They show an interview with her, and she says that IF she had known she was pregnant she would have taken care of herself and done things differently. Somehow I seriously doubt that. That woman was nuts.


omg that episode had me raging! I mean, they said a woman who gives birth at home could go into shock, but come on! two days!
Lestatic #15
My very randomness astounds people!


Give her a break people. Ever heard of shock? I agree she was a little stunned with the waiting two days things but still, you guys would do everything so much better? Easy to say if you aren't IN the situation.


Nope... NOT giving her a break. She acted that way through the ENTIRE pregnancy, not just after she had the baby. She continually refused to see the doctor about life-threatening medical issues. The woman is a nut, no two ways about it.



Hi, I'm the Tiffany you are calling an idiot, and it's amusing reading why you are not giving me a break. Wish I knew your life so I could judge you. For the record, I had been to see a doctor a few months into my unknown pregnancy..and they said that, again, I had a rather large cyst that had formed on my ovary. My doctor did not routinely give me pregnancy tests-I had been told I was unable to conceive and they knew that. I gained five pounds, and weighed 138 when i delivered my son. I'm not over weight and had no belly to make myself or anyone else think I could be pregnant!Not quite sure what else you're talking about "thru my entire pregnancy"?? It was only in the last week before giving birth that my blood pressure got higher-it was the preclampsia that then caused me to deliver early. I was moving into a new house, working full-time and very busy. I had scheduled a visit to my doctor that next week for blood work..the baby came before I made it to the appointment. I'm sure I'm not the only person who puts off going to the doctor. Anway, just wanted to let you know a few more facts. If you don't like the show, then why are you watching? Are you hoping that one of us "idiots" gets what we deserve and our baby ends up dead? That wouldn't make you an "idiot" just a mean, judgmental person. I'm not sure if you have children, want one, or just hate them?? Anyway, I'm wishing the best for you..or would that make me more of an "idiot" ?? :)



Hi, I was checking to see what actress reenacted my story, and saw this..I am actually Tiffany from this season's IDKIWP, featured in an episode called Home Alone. I appreciate that you defended me, against the "tiffany is an idiot" posters. Thanks for that. For the others...Obviously in a half-hour show, you don't get every detail of the circumstances, so let me explain a little further. In the international version, the doctors detail how I suffered from a legitimate case of post-traumatic stress disorder. One of them explains that your body and mind need 9 months to get used to the fact that a child is coming. Imagine having been told after 10 years of trying, that you will never conceive. Then imagine going into labor, and having not 9 months, but about 10 minutes to adjust to giving birth. I wasn't even in any pain until my husband took me to the hospital..I had lost a tremendous amount of blood, my blood pressure was at stroke level, and I was not thinking clearly. I consider it lucky that, under those circumstances, my baby and I survived. In the interview, of course I would say I would have done everything differently. No one wants to not know they are pregnant and give birth in the bathroom, with no drugs and their baby's life in danger. I have a college education, good insurance, and a great marriage..if I had known I was pregnant, I WOULD have done everything differently. I did in the first few months, smoke but quit. I had a few drinks at a Xmas party-things I would not have done if I'd known. At my age(38) mine would have been a high-risk pregnancy and I would have seen a doctor frequently. I'm not quite sure why anyone would be mad at me when watching the show. The people I know are amazed that I was able to deliver my baby by myself, especially with having preclampsia. Yes, I realize now the danger I put myself and my child in by not calling 911. Upon giving birth, and in and out of consciousness the next day, I was not thinking clearly. At one point I did call my husband and tell him I had a surprise..again, I'm in shock when I make that call. I was thinking I didn't want him driving 16 hours home in a panic, and in my state of mind, I thought the baby and I were fine. I never said I didn't make any mistakes. I'm thankful that everything turned out ok and I now have a happy healthy 2 1/2 year old little boy. We consider ourselves blessed. I just can't understand why so many people that watch the show would like for something bad to happen, rather than a happy ending. I wish you all the best. You should keep watching the show..maybe you will end up being happy for the women, rather than so mean and judgmental!


Tiffany, your mother was interviewed, and she repeatedly explained how concerned she was about your blood pressure, and you continually ignored that. Maybe your mother got the facts wrong, I don't know. You can blame the editors of the show because what the viewers are presented is someone who continually ignores life-threatening high blood pressure and does nothing about it... not just 1 week before delivery.

A Fact Of Life...
After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F....



Hi..unlike you, I'm not blaming anybody! My mom visited me one week prior to me giving birth. She lives 10 hours away, and had come to help me move.That's when she took my blood pressure and it was high. After she left, that next week, my husband went out of town. Preeclampsia caused me to deliver early, within a week of noticing that my blood pressure was high.
I'm not sure that why you seem to be so obsessed and angry about my's a tv show. Yes, it's based on facts, but still just tv.If it makes you so mad, why do you keep watching it?? I have no complaint with the producers or anyone else affiliated with the show or network. If you do, perhaps you can write them and ask them to keep the show from airing anymore-tell them it upsets you. Tell them you spend way too much of your personal time analyzing and evaluating shows on their network...and that you don't like my episode. I'm sure they will value your opinion just about as much as I do.

And By the way, it sounds like that other poster WAS talking about you...and your very response proves the poster's point. You recommend people go back and look at all your other posts. WHO has time to do that, and who cares about what you write..except you. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks you spend way too much time watching tv! You need to get yourself a life and stop bitching about other people's!


Hi Tiffany, I just watched your episode=)

I am just wondering what you mean by pre-eclampsia caused you to deliver early. I also had severe pre-eclampsia during my pregnancy with my twins. The day it was diagnosed, I had to be induced so the babies would be OK- my BP was 200/120. My doctor specifically told me I was really lucky that I happened to come into the office or I could have died before I went to term.

I was just curious why you think that pre-eclampsia caused you to go into labor. It doesn't. When you have it, they will induce labor if the baby is term or somewhat close to term (I was 6 weeks early but they induced me anyway), but the condition does not cause early labor in and of itself.

"Proud to be a PD!!!"


Hi Nicki-
I am going by what the doctors told me, in that pre-eclampsia, if left untreated, like mine was, will turn into eclampsia, and thus cause, among other things, early delivery.

Some of the information from medical websites say the same:

Preeclampsia is a tricky pregnancy problem because it only causes symptoms in the later stages – but those symptoms can be very dangerous.

In fact, in the last stages it’s called eclampsia. Eclampsia is characterized by convulsions or seizures, extremely high blood pressure, PRETERM LABOR, coma, and sometimes death of the mother, baby, or both, all the more reasons why you need to be aware of the early signs of preeclampsia. Luckily, by catching preeclampsia early, you can avoid eclampsia altogether. It’s also important to note that eclampsia is very rare. Only around 1 in 2,000 women will experience it because it is usually caught in the preeclampsia stage.(giving birth safely website)

"Preeclampsia is responsible for 15% of premature births in the US each year. It is the leading known cause of preterm birth. According to the March of Dimes, in 2001, 476,250 infants were born prematurely…over half from unknown causes. Preeclampsia represents 30% of the known causes of prematurely--or approximately 70,000 premature births."(

I would imagine that lack of prenatal care, along with no health checks throughout the pregnancy contributed to the early delivery as well. Keep in mind too that because there were no ultrasounds done along the way, the doctors were estimating the prematurity of my son.

The difference in our experiences with pre-eclampsia I would think is due to the fact that yours was monitored and treated..and mine was not.
I'm glad that everything turned out well for you too!


I just wanted to say that I think it's really kool you came here to talk about the show and give some incite into further details on what happened, and you were on it. And I wish your family well Tiffani. I think the best way to look at it might be that when people watch a show it can be easy to judge without being in that circumstance or knowing all the facts. I hope you don't take the responses too personally or seriously. Some people just watch shows and come on imdb to talk about them while watching them. I know I do that because it's more fun to watch a show with someone then alone. Even if it is with someone on the internet, so to speak.

My Music <-woof!


Hi monnie101,
I do have to admit-I did take some of the comments personally at first...and I'm not proud of some of the responses I posted when upset and/or angry. Luckily, I finally realized that I do the very same thing-I'll be watching a tv show and think, 'oh, what an idiot' or want to vent about what I'm watching, or even ask that person 'what in the world is wrong with you'...and there's nothing wrong with that. It's what makes tv worth watching!
Thanks for the kind wishes for my family. Blake is three now and I still feel blessed.
I also want to say thanks for what you wrote. It's one of the nicest things anyone has posted, and it was sweet of you to take the time to do it.I really do appreciate it!
Take care and have a great weekend!


I haven't seen an episode where I wanted to smack the woman or her partner until Levi and Emily. I think those 2 were morons, the rhythm method? Are you crazy, I learned that didnt work when I was 12! Levi looked like he was in his 30s so I would think he would act more mature. Thank gawd that nurse was there to save their daughters life or she surely wouldnt have made it.

RingRing hooka RingRing


People like yourself amaze me. You take it upon yourself to judge others, and I'd be willing to bet the extent of your difficult situations has probably revolved around deciding which internet dating site you want to sign up for. Give us a break. Seriously? You've made how many posts on this site, and the times of them show that this is mostly how you spend your Friday and Saturday nights, bitching about other people and saying how stupid they are. Just because the world has probably shunned you for whatever reason that you've chosen to do nothing about. Being overweight, insecure, whatever it may be, here's some good hard advice for you. GET OFF THE COMPUTER AND GET A LIFE. Although the internet may be cool and you may feel that you can be an entirely different person here because no one can see you, when you get off you are still the same one you were before you got on. Try bitching to yourself about you and maybe paying a little more attention to your problems instead of projecting your inadequacies and deficiencies upon others. Like I said, come on, over how many posts have you made on here? Grow up and get a life.


Not sure if you're replying to me, the original poster. You haven't a clue about my life, and are totally off base. I don't bitch about other people on this site at all (you'd know that if you actually checked out my posting history, which you obviously did not), with the exception of this particular show which really ticked me off.

A Fact Of Life...
After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F....


I'm pretty sure they are referring to you. Funny that as soon as my show aired again Sunday, you got right on this message board to post. It was Mother's Day..and you didn't have anything better to do?
If you'll notice, I'm not the only one on these message boards that thinks you've become a little too attached and/or crazy about this "I didn't know I was pregnant" thing. I am wondering if maybe something has happened in your past- not being able to have a child, a death, or some other tragic event that brings raw emotions to the surface whenever you're reminded of the show. If that's the case, then I'm sorry. But if all you are doing is trying to find a voice in this world by sounding off on IMDB's message boards..Well, now who is the real idiot?
I spent my Mother's Day at home with my little boy..not watching a Discovery Health Marathon just so I could get on the computer and whine about how I hate a show..that I KEEP on watching!!! You can do it..just turn off the tv and make a real life for yourself, instead of watching mine.


My point still stands-- why would you continually ignore high blood pressure, especially when your mother is a nurse and repeatedly asked you to see the doctor? You never answered that, unless your own mother was untruthful in her interview on the show. And it always amazes me when someone attacks the poster of something they don't like or agree with as having no life, when THEY are also on the message boards. That's such a lame argument and pretty hypocritical.

BTW, I had a wonderful Mother's Day with my family... 2 grown daughters, my husband, my 2 sisters, and my own Mom and Dad. We went for a lovely Sunday brunch, and then I came home and spent the day relaxing. I just happened to be flipping through stations and came across the show airing again, and it reminded me to check my original post. Don't flatter yourself thinking that I've become "too attached" to this show or your story. Sheesh.

A Fact Of Life...
After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F....


it does seem this has all become a bit let me just say again that, what you refer to as "continually" ignoring high blood pressure was less than a week. My life was just as busy as the one you describe, and like I said, I was working, and packing for our move. I was on a deadline, and did not know that I was that sick, nor did I know that I could be putting a child in jeopardy at that point. I'm sure that if you look back, at some point in your life, unless you are extremely selfish, there have been times that you didn't put yourself first, for whatever reason, and times that you underestimated the seriousness of something, or maybe even just made a mistake! In hindsight,yes,I should have gone to the doctor. I can't change that-but I am just thankful I have a happy healthy little boy. As for my mother, she was not in any way untruthful...again,the clips of her talking about my blood pressure referred to THE WEEK before I gave birth. Preeclampsia will cause one to go into labor-therefore my blood pressure could not have been that high until that week. Once preeclampsia develops, if not treated, it will cause a women to deliver early. Look it up.
As for your argument about other people being on the message boards, you chose a very popular one, and used the "I didn't know I was pregnant" page to put a headline of TIFFANY WAS AN IDIOT. Anyone searching for details about the show on the internet could see that. It just wasn't a nice thing to do. Just as you are disappointed that I was an 'idiot' about not seeking medical attention, I am disappointed that you, as a mother, would be so quick to judge someone else's life.
I do wish you the best though-sounds like you have a nice life, and I don't mean to demean you by saying you spend too much time watching tv. That's your choice. My hope for you in your hours of watching is that maybe you will realize that the people you watch have feelings too. You are allowed your opinions, but maybe putting TIFFANY IS AN IDIOT wasn't the most intelligent way to voice it, nor was it a very nice thing to do.


Tiffany, Tiffany, Tiffany- I have told you on this board before. If you cannot handle criticism, perhaps you shouldn't come here and read it.

The night is a very dark time for me.



That's funny..are you actually scolding me?


Are you deleting posts because you are embarrassed? There is an edit button.

The night is a very dark time for me.


No, I deleted it because, once I posted it, I felt my response came across a little too bitchy, and I didn't think you deserved a response like that. So I deleted it.
I don't really post too much on message boards, so you're right-I didn't know I could edit it once I posted it-thought I just had to delete and start over.


Some of the posters here are just combative and ignorant. Just ignore them, they won't have anyone to talk to after a while.


Thanks! I've noticed that some are nicer than others. lol


This episode of the show didnt bother me that much beacuase I wouldnt know what to do in that situation and I would have probly not called 911 or anyone right away either because I would probly feel shocked and afraid of what people would think if they found out I hadnt known I was pregnant.

But do you have a facebook link with photos or proof your the real person. Not trying to say your not the real one but im a skeptic and need proof of identity lol. Especialy on public boards were some might feel the need to impersonate lol


I do have a facebook page.
Go to:, and send me a message.


Hey Tiffany,
As another poster here said, some people here are just mean. Thank you for coming by and explaining the situation in more detail. I understand that the show was condensed and maybe even slightly exaggerated for tv (My sister was featured on the short lived show Life Moments, we were all in the episode. I understand how it is). I'm glad you and your child are now healthy :)



Thanks for the nice words. Glad to know there are other people out there that know how it is, though I'm sorry if it has been rough on your family as it sometimes has been on mine!
You put all your trust in the people doing those shows, but still your whole life is condensed into 30 minutes, and naturally leaves viewers wondering. I haven't seen the show your family was on, but would love to hear about it. And believe me, I don't judge (-:
Hope you and your family are doing well. Again, thanks for taking the time to write something nice!


The show (Life Moments) wasn't negative at all, but it did exaggerate things a bit. My sister and her ex husband had a hard time conceiving their first child and their second child was a surprise. The show followed their story of his arrival (at a birthing center). I completely understand how interviews are filmed, ideas might be stretched a little, and how editing works. You don't have a say in what airs. It's not that they change it to make you out to look bad, they do it for dramatic effect. When I saw your episode, I was immediately concerned for you and your child, not criticizing you like some did. While this show is definitely an educational one, it's also entertainment (which some people fail to understand). I'm sure your episode will help other women get through it if they experienced (or experience it in the future) the same thing.

I've taken Psychology classes and done research on my own, I understand how you could have been in shock through it all. I'm also the type who puts off doctor visits (mix of hating needles and being so busy at times), so I can relate. I completely believe you would have gone to the doctor immediately had you known you were pregnant. People on the internet can be mean because they hide behind their computer screen. They also often can't put themselves in your shoes.

How old is your child now? Son, right? How's he doing?


U people actually believe that this woman who says she's tiffany IS the real person? Were we all born yesterday? To get back to original post she was in shock and she can't have gotten help for life threatening things while she was pregnant because name of the show people, she DIDN'T KNOW!! And the woman who is claiming to b her, u need help, serious attention seeking behaviour there


I know this is a year and a half since everyone last posted, but the episode with Tiffany has just aired and coming on here and reading every one's comments. the Tiffany that is posting has to be the real Tiffany, no troll goes into such depth about something fictional!

Also Tiffany after watching your story, some of your actions i think are totally justified. i am from a family of midwives (grandmother, mother and sister) and they have all delivered babies from women with PCOS who have been told over the years that pregnancy would be difficult if not near impossible. as well as women who have been taken in with pains, but still with periods, no weight gain and who have delivered babies that night.

The symptoms you described are all symptoms with PCOS, especially the irregular periods and swollen hands and ankles. your actions when delivering the baby in which you cut the cord and wrapped the baby were impressive and even though you were in shock when you delivered (and who can blame you) the fact that you maternal instincts shined through and you cared for your son was fantastic. OK you didn't call your family or the hospital. but your mind process the fact that your son was more important. and you reacted accordingly. So please what even happens please take pride in that

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


Ever heard of shock?

Totally NOT the shock we are talking about here! State of shock is when you are stunned. You can not move or think really. Or you walk around in a daze, not paying attention...

Going INTO shock is when you have low blood flow to certain areas of your body. It usually happens after a trauma to that area.

"Oh Thank you God! Thank you so BLOODY much!" Basil Fawlty
