MovieChat Forums > Stilyagi Discussion > Is this the best russian misical in last...

Is this the best russian misical in last 10 years?

I just saw it and everybody that saw it before me said it's a must-see.


Although I haven't seen many musicals, Russian or otherwise, I very much enjoyed this one.

I can't understand Russian (besides Priviet, yes and no), and there are no English subtitles, but it was great non the less.



Privet means "hi" or "hello".


Musicals are not so popular in Russia.
Just Russian adaptations of foreign ones (Chicago, Cats etc.)
This is the first successful attempt. Enjoyed.


That doesn't seem to be true, a lot of Soviet films seem to break out into song for no reason. It was also not uncommon under Stalin to use musicals as a form of propaganda:


The best or not, it's certainly the only musical in last ... 50 years ;)

While I mostly like the whole movie, its end made me cringe - I didn't expect so stupid, blatant and evil ending (I mean the scene where two main characters meet in a Moscow street when one of them returned from the US).


What specifically did you think was "so stupid, blatant and evil" about the scene where those 2 characters were talking in the street? It's not really correct to say they met in the street, as they had both just left one of their homes. But, yes they did have a short conversation, where one tells the other some disquieting news. (I'm being purposefully vague, so as not to divulge any spoilers)


I was referring to Mels beahaviour and reaction. This scene has ruined a movie for me.


The style of the musical reminds me american ones :) But I liked it very much and enjoyed russian songs.


You should re-watch it because Mel's reaction was justified.

He was just told by the original Stilyagi leader and his best friend that Stilyagi, something he has based his WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE around doesn't actually "exist" in America (aka the Holy Land).

Even so far as that he would be seen as an outcast and weird in America for wearing what he thought was "the bees knees".

But he goes on to respond, in the last song, the true meaning of stilyagi and that stilyagis will go on in different forms and styles but still have the same basic idea that young people want to "break free and be different" than everyone else.

So I hope you change your mind about the ending. It was wonderful, and a way to sum up the entire movie into something bigger than just a silly love story.


Do you not count movies like "D'Artanyan i tri mushketyora" and "Truffaldino iz Bergama" intentionally or ignorantly?


Hm, I've definitely forgotten about them, but still I don't count them as musicals.


The best or not, it's certainly the only musical in last ... 50 years ;)

31 June?


One of the best musicals I've seen. A bit too long though...



I don't like musicals. I mean I really don't like them. But I liked this one. I saw it while visiting my daughter who lives in Russia. I went to university in Kazan in the early 70s were I met my wife. ( I am American, but had a Russian mother and grew up speaking Russian) I had the opportunity to attend some Komsomol functions and they really were a bunch of tight asses. I was especially struck by the scene outside the hospital when the baby was coming out. When my granddaughter was born we had to stand outside and see her for the 1st time through a second floor window.
If Fred had gone few blocks from Broadway to the Village he would have found the beat generation of the 50s I guess one could have called them hipsters.
