Hand washing

I found this movie te be very childish. The only decent thing was the gore. The acting is bad believe me especially the main old guy, men he can't act. The most scarry thing about the whole movie was the old guy washing his hands :) That sound with the picture euuuwwhhggg.

If you are drunk, stoned or death you would perhaps like this flick.


What was with that anyways? They'd showed that guy washing his hands over and over again! Yet look at his teeth :X

Stop grinning like a f'n psycho and get back to work! -Sgt Doakes



I liked this flick, but then, of course, I am death.

Now watch me type something very provocative with my fingers on the wrong home keys:-

o ;olr yp jsbr s gi;dp,r npforf ep,sm [odd om ,u ,piyj. yjrm. gpt [trgrtsmvr. O#d dyovl ,u vpl i[ jrt stdr/

Pow, i'm gone.

'You punched me in the boob! Prepare to die, obviously!'
