Please Spoil it for me

So I was looking up Liam films on IMDB and ran across this one. I read the plot of the movie & found it very interesting. I don't have any plans to watch the movie, but am curious about what ended up happening. Did the brother stab the murdered? Thanks!


He tried to stab him, but the Russian girl jumped in the way. As she lay gurgling in her own blood, she declared her undying love for both men. The men, ashamed at their wretchedness--that it would come to this, the bitter fruits of revenge--clasped each other and wept silently. Oh, but the final ending is um... like I'm just messing with you, dude. Go see the movie, really.

reply reply I've read all year!


Five years later...and it's still funny! 

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)
