What a joke

This film is terrible. I was eagerly awaiting its release, even emailing back and forth with the director about it. Now I'm sick to my stomach from watching poor acting (yes, acting in a documentary) instead of the gory footage they show.

Questionable sources
Same footage and theories presented in other, BETTER documentaries
False advertising
No Mark Rosen did NOT produce TCM

Ugh I could go on but I'm just annoyed right now.

Also, and I know people are talking about this already...WTF Happened to the package labeled "Enjoy" which they claimed to have receive in the trailer - featuring that awkward and melodramatic film student nerd stuttering and saying "um" and twitching her lips like she's terrified of what she's talking about - Sorry that trailer annoyed the crap out of me and even more so now that I realize it was false advertising.

DEFINITELY watch "Does Snuff Exist? The Dark Side of Porn" Much better.


Yeah...regardless of anything else wrong with it, I just don't understand how they can get away with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre production claim...I mean, I don't claim to be an expert on that film, but as far as I can see there's no mention anywhere of this Rosen bloke having any connection to the film whatsoever.
But maybe he just got forgotten or left out of the credits or some such bollocks...who knows...who cares...this film is a stinker anyway. Too sensational to be a decent doco, and yet not the right kind of gritty grimy exploitation to be a schockumentary...



Mark Rosen never claims to have produced TCM. He said he represented it, which is true because one of its distributors was bryanston films, who Rosen worked for in the 70's. Also, I don't know which sources you mean, but others have been skeptical of the guardian's report. CNN did an update (old now) on the story http://edition.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/italy/10/28/rome.porn/


Hi! Where can I watch "Does Snuff Exist? The Dark Side of Porn" ?


