R.P. Whalen, the 'Cinephile/Film Historian'

What a loud and obnoxious creep. He was SCREAMING 99.999% of his screen time. What an annoying little douche. He was obnoxiously laughing at certain things, too, like when they brought up "Cannibal Holocaust." He said, "CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST. DA-HAHA-HA-AMN! Oh, god. HAHA! That movie's so funny! HAHA! I love that movie. It's so, so evil." Holy tish. Not to be mean but is he retarded or something? Like, genuinely retarded? Seriously, something about this guy just screamed "mentally ill" to me.


I honestly had a very difficult time watching/listening to that guy. He is such an arrogant little creep who takes himself way too seriously and fancies himself as some kind of genius whose comments are worth listening to.

He's probably the loud, annoying guy who hangs out at the coffee shop and pontificates loudly in hopes that nearby people will think he is interesting.


Agreed. There were a number of interview subjects in this thing that were just damn irritating. Especially Mark Rosen and this Whalen dude


He's passionate about horror films... Honestly, I related to the guy.

Remember that time I ate your family?


Yeah, but your username is Necrotard.


And I wouldn't be surprised if his online handle was similar. I just don't think all this slamming is fair just because he was excited to talk about a passion of his.

Granted, I do agree to an extent with these posts, simply because I felt that a lot of his excitement could have been trimmed out of the film. We don't need to sit and watch the guy laugh about how much he loves Cannibal Holocaust for 20 seconds. The way he answered the questions probably made such editing difficult though. That, along with the fact that he didn't seem like a real expert of any kind, made him a crappy interview subject.

But still, I don't see why he should be labeled as a retard or an arrogant creep just because he has a lot to say about his passions. I think most of us have subjects that we could excitedly rant like that about.

Remember that time I ate your family?


I was just razzing about the username. I thought it was a delightfully humorous response.

I actually agree with you. I think what makes me instantly dislike him is the fact that he's labeled a "film historian". You need credentials for that. Who knows, he may have had nothing to do with the title he was given onscreen. And plus, the rest of the movie was just so terrible that it made me dislike everything else even more.

If I saw him on the street I wouldn't run him over or anything.


Strangely enough I thought Whalen was the most entertaining one out of the bunch, he had definitely drunk way too many Red Bulls before the interview. "Cannibal Holocaust? DAMMMNN!!! What a film!!"
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


At last people agree. He annoyed me to no end.

"I'll go,because I am Cinema!" - Ben (Man Bites Dog)


I'm watching the film now and he annoys me so bad, I have a passion for horror films that doesnt mean im gonna scream everytime im asked a question. What a *beep* idiot.

I just love film.
