MovieChat Forums > Darfur (2010) Discussion > Director Ron Howard praises Darfur film

Director Ron Howard praises Darfur film

Da Vinci Code director Ron Howard has praised the film Darfur by controversial director Uwe Boll. 'Simply put, Darfur is a very effective motion picture.' Writes Howard in a letter to Boll after a private screening in Los Angeles. “You've made a disturbing yet enlightening film. The stark, straightforward filmmaking tells a tragic story that is certainly 'must viewing'. Congratulations.”

Darfur producer/writer Chris Roland says Howard’s comments echo many. “It’s a real honor to have someone of Ron Howard’s caliber recognize the work, and the intention behind making the film. We are seeing more of this kind of support, and it’s helping to insure the film gets seen and its important message is told.”

For a film that has not yet been released, Darfur is creating a buzz most films only hope for after release. The producers attribute this to a combination of marketing efforts in advance of release including film festivals, tours with NGOs like Stand Canada and Amnesty International, and word of mouth via on-line social networks. “We’re hoping the buzz goes viral.” Says Roland.

Darfur will be released theatrically in the US through Phase 4 Films in September. The producers and Phase 4 are lining up a screening for the U.S. congress aimed at refocusing the West’s attentions back on Sudan and reignite the will to bring about real change, especially in light of recent revelations.

According to George Clooney, who heads up watchdog NGO Not On Our Watch, and long time Darfur supporter John Prendergast, the largest conventional war on the face of the Earth in 2011 will occur in Sudan unless bold diplomacy led by the U.S. prevents it.

“With such heavy weights as Ron Howard and George Clooney showing their support, one can only hope for a public outcry that cannot be ignored.” Says Roland. It’s hard to say whether a film can have any influence in stopping a war as most war films are made long after the wars have ended. If the public responds to Boll’s film like Ron Howard has, it may be the first time a film is used to stop a war rather than remember one.


You know, it's kind of ironic that George Clooney praises this film, when Uwe Boll has openly spoken against famous Hollywood people like Clooney.

But I'm glad this is getting hype, and even more relieved that this will get a release in September. I know I was moved by the experience, and I'm sure others will be too.


And the source is?


It's an official press release by the film's production company ZenHQ films. However, it's a little mistakable in the way that George Clooney has never commented on the film, at least as far as I know.
Anyway, it's great that Ron Howard shows his support.


Yeah Chris Roland said this about Clooney, nobody else.

It would have been better if Ron Howard showed his support before the Da Vinci Code...
