MovieChat Forums > Darfur (2010) Discussion > At least Boll had the balls...

At least Boll had the balls...


Forget the (mostly true) assumptions of how bad Uwe Boll is.
Forget the stupidly crass remarks online.

The fact is if an American or British film maker/company had the balls to make this film then smug remarks about this film and STV fate would more than likely never occur.
Because, despite his many faults, Boll is passionate and uncompromising on certain events...certain rights and wrongs. And so is this film.

The day Hollywood makes a movie about the mass rape/torture and mutilation of women in Iraq, or the genocide against the one of the World's oldest (there long before Islam) Christian sect in Iraq, or the mass murder of Homosexuals in Iraq... instead of hypocritical, enemy PR, foot in mouth garbage like "Redacted" or "Green Zone" that only target ourselves, then it's left to Uwe Boll to tell the other side, the hard facts, about things that weak, treasonous, appeasing, cowardly Hollywood film makers won't touch.
Hopefully Boll will make that film about Iraq, or Afghanistan. Until then he's at least covered Darfur/The Sudan.

So Boll's at least had the guts to stand up to PC apologists and cowards and show the factually accurate atrocities of Arab (yeah, ARAB, not eeeevil White Americans/Westerners) militia in the sudan against Black Africans.

If this was an army of White Westerners butchering children & babies, mass raping women (to literally change the genetic pool) and murdering civilian men and burning down whole villages because they were Black, there'd be liberal uproar. There'd be Hollywood/Western films of major budgets being made and shown to all.
But it's not.
It's "Allahu Akbar shouting Arabs. And Boll explicitly shows that. He shows that in hideously graphic detail.

Arab-Islamic slavery of Black Africans is still a massive/current business, mass rape to ethnically replace a populace is ongoing, forced conversion of Africa/Black Africans to a FOREIGN Arab culture and religion continues right now.
This has all been ignored for centuries or brushed aside today to bleat on about Western slavery long since dead (and who did The West buy Black slaves from again? Oh yes...Muslim/Arab slave traders), or White colonialism also long since dead is the chosen big evil.

That Islamic/Arab colonisation of Africa by death, force and rape has been ignored historically is bad enough. But that we still ignore it today? An atrocity of its own.

More powerful than the Islamic aspect though is that Boll shows the racial aspect in a way Hollywood would never dare.
Because even Black Africans who have converted to Islam are butchered by the Arab armies. Because being Islamic is not good enough...they're still Black you know!

Boll explicitly highlights this in an excellent and cold-blooded scene of execution where even the most devout Muslim is shot because he's still Black, not Arab.
Yes. Hard fact time.
This is murderous racism.
This is people being killed because they are Black.
But there's no KKK, no George Bush, no Tony Blair, no redneck yahoos.
This isn't White Westerners killing Blacks/Africans so there are no films coming from 'liberal' Hollywood. So we have a Uwe Boll film.

So yes, Boll shakes the camera too much, he pads things out too much with driving/walking scenes and he's not remotely subtle.
But he still makes "Darfur" into a solid film, a well acted film and a film that kicks you in the guts and opens your eyes (yeah, even the eyes of those who don't like to admit the truth) and until anyone else has the balls to do it....Then I for one am happy Uwe Boll has.


Perfect explanation. Honestly, no other words could explain how I feel about this film, than yours. I will be in a bad mood for the next week (much like after watching Stoic), however people like me, you and everyone else lucky enough to live in a First World NEED to see films like this. We really don't take our fortune into granted. Films like these remind us just how good we have it after all.
