At the end, she runs out all of a sudden and goes to the police and basically hands him over to them, even though we're lead to believe she is in love with him and feels an undeniable attraction and bond with him. I know she has what's known as 'Stockholm Syndrome' but I find it hard to understand her actions. Up until the last, she was so conflicted as to what she should do; did she just all of a sudden realise she couldn't hack it?


We're not led to believe she is in love with him. It's physical attraction, love doesn't come into it. This begins when Anna sees the grief and despair behind Yann's violent facade and empathises with him, and uses this to ease her guilt. Repelled and trapped by her solution to this guilt and Yann's immature need, she runs to the police but can't prevent herself from trying to warn Yann.


This deserves a long discussion!! I felt she betrayed him in the end as she felt she was more into him than he was into her, but I could be well off here!



Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib
