OMG...The Jabba Woman.....

I don't know if I have ever seen a more physically repulsive woman in my life. That woman, or thing, is just disgusting. Absolutely vomitous.

"Can you get me an anxiety pill, please?" - Airline



oh come on M OHM O, tell us how you really feel, don't sugar coat it, haha!

Wht about dat job i did for ju in Freedom Town Da Rebenga hit, wht was dat a game of dominoes,mang?


Im REALLY not trying to be mean...but yes, she is pretty ugly.



You could have been a little more respectfull with your opinion. Maybe you could learn a thing or two on manners from Gabe1972.

I don't know if I have ever seen a more physically repulsive woman in my life. That woman, or thing, is just disgusting. Absolutely vomitous.

...There is no spoon! (The Matrix)



didn't you see the "Cantina" scene from Star Wars ???
I think she was a barmaid ........

"You'll NEVER work in this town again!"


So Froy and Sonya were married at one point? Froy actually thought this woman was hot? after how many shots of patron?


I see she is trying to clean up her act in the newer episodes by losing the face metal and going to a regular hairstyle.Still,it doesnt change the fact she is morbidly obese.Any family members of hers should really be worried for her health,as well as the health of Lou.Both are way overweight,and must be suffering because of it.Daughter Lyndah unfortunately is going that way as well.Sad stuff happening.


That's a woman? I thought it was a guy who was a sure lock for an Emmy!


Hahahahahaha I didn't notice this thread or I would have posted my message from another one in here... I'll copy n paste....

What is the wifes co-owners or older womans name.... It escapes me. Anyway, my point being that she is, not kidding at all, the ugliest, grossest, most repugnant looking female I have EVER seen on a television show or movie. (including Jerry Springer, a guilty pleasure) I seriously cannot watch the show because of her. And I am not usually that picky about who is in what but she is just flat out offensive looking. I probably wouldn't mention it on here either except that she seems to have some delusion that she is even remotely attractive, and she is a total bi***. *beep* that nasty thing.

So funny because the OP thought the same thing. Totally Jabba the Hutt level nasty. Ughhhhhhhhhh


Wow, "Jabba Woman." Not nice at all!

I mean, yeah she is morbidly obese and not the most attractive but that's how she is....

Her nose bothers me a lot though. It looked unnaturally thin at the bridge and a little more like Michale Jackson's.

From desert plains I bring you love


Her stomach is the nastiest. They showed her in the black dress and it was huge and I was thinking she should wear nylons to hold some of it in.
