The ending??

What do you guys think about the ending? What actually happened?


guess¡¡¡¡ it is easier, it is a happy ending so


She found Waldo.


Thanks for that, TraBuch! It was obvious, but I didn't get it until I found your hint (fortunately).

I really enjoyed this movie, especially the slow pace and the atmosphere of Buenos Aires that was captured in a lot of scenes. I didn't recognized Inés Efron as Ana at first - she's grown up since "XXY" and "The fish child", but her eyes sparkle as dark as ever.


For relaxing times, you know.


I totally blanked on that, thanks. I was thinking how does she know it's him, but she doesn't, she thinks it's Waldo/Wally or at least a real-world version.


He's dressed like Waldo. She's been trying to solve "Where's Waldo in the City" for forever, but hasn't been able to. At first, I don't think she or he recognize eachother, but it is the event that brings them face-to-face in the daylight. And chemistry takes it from there.


Ahh thanks guys! I actually missed that part. Sidewalls is easily one of those movie that sticks with you for a long time :)


Thanks @depryor!!! A perfect explanation. I too couldn't figure out how she knew him...went back and watched the chat scene again....but this explains it. Super movie.


In one of the earlier scenes she was looking for Waldo in the book as a human and it looked like there was a small dog wearing Waldo's scarf. But she ignored it. When she did met Waldo, he had the dog with him.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else
