macho men

Just an amazing fact: even in animation women sleep naked and men in underwear...



i wuz surprised 2 see her bush. im so excited and will tell my friendz now...

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content



so have u seen real bush?

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content



When did you see his underwear?


You write:

...even in animation women sleep naked and men in underwear...

Funny, you bring up something that bothers me sometimes, in movies, but more on TV (I think): so many scenes of women having sex at leisure in bed, or in private anyway (in other words, not in some kind of hurried rush, or somewhere with a danger of being discovered by others), while wearing a bra. I think I first really noticed it particularly in a scene from an episode of SEX IN THE CITY, where Cynthia Nixon's character is enjoying sex in bed, but wearing a bra. After that, I started noticing that in numerous shows, movies, and made-for-TV movies. I've always figured it's done in order to keep a less restrictive MPAA rating. I can understand that reasoning, but it still just seems so wrong, at least going on personal experience and preference.

Anyway, I'm glad Rita didn't have to keep her breasts covered.

Multiplex: 100+ shows a day, NONE worth watching. John Sayles' latest: NO distribution. SAD.
