No need to stay away

Reposting under a different thread 'cause I think it's worth it.

There is no need to stay away from this movie. I saw it on Saturday, April 25, 2009.

I have not seen info on the demographics. After seeing the movie, it is more for people in their late 30's to early 40's. ie. You went to High School in the 1980's. Current teenagers and twenty-somethings should get its meaning, but it's a long shot for them to know the difference in how we have all changed in the past 20 years, compared to when we were teenagers. They will understand the high school mess message, but the "grown up" stuff will just go over their heads. They know everything...remember.

The plot is relaxing, soothing and gets you into the story little by little until you are encompassed into it's every ritual. The music is played sporadically, with just a touch to remember the name of the song and/or artist. It is a wonderful playlist. Gets you in the mood to back when we were teenagers, no worries, ruled the world, knew everything, yet were afraid to get close to a girl or boy to ask them out or get to know them better.

The film colors are truly amazing. Hues of every known color are tantalizingly moody, yet superb in their vibrancy.

It is shot in an old school (no pun intended) kind of way, made me remember some of the 60's letterbox cowboy and classic movies. The movie is not in a letterbox format, but it has that look and feel. Think of "Ben-Hur" or "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." If this movie was just rated on its format and vibrant, color would be a shoe-in for the Oscars.

The acting:
Mark Polish is outstanding and really makes you believe you're in his shoes through out the movie. If you're a guy, you understand his hurt and feel warm inside everytime Scarlet gives him a kiss.

Winona Ryder is the superb 80's sweetheart that you grew up with. She still titilates your heart in her role as Scarlet. If you didn't fall in love with her characters in the 80's, you will now.

Josh Holloway had a small role but spins your head and you end up wishing that his character had had more lines.

Marc Blucas is the legendary a**hole in high school and still one when he grows up; and you get to hate this jerk in the movie. What more do you want. He ate his role inside-out!

Chevy Chase is his usual comic self. 'Nough said!

Michael Gross the dad from "Family Ties" is outstanding as Mr. McCarthy. Gives you chills.

Dee Wallace is the iconic mother every one wishes they had had when growing up. I still love you Mom. But Dee does a wonderful job as Mrs. McCarthy.

Hillary Duff does a good job as a high school senior. This is one budding actress which will do better and better as her experience comes along.

Sean Astin, I love this actor. Keeps to himself, is a good role model, never gets in trouble and has a loving family. Now back to the movie... Sean is not a believable gay in this movie. How did it get past the Polish brothers? I don't know. Maybe gays in Santa Clarita are different than most gays anywhere else in the world. P.S. Hollywood is just a skip and a hop away.
I did like the sing-along at the IHOP, though.

All in all, this is a wonderful story. Compelling, takes you in, you wish for it to continue. Even at about 1 hour and 45 minutes it does not feel long.
I only wish that the ending would have had a different portrayal, more in concert with the 80's movies "The Breakfast Club," "Sixteen Candles," "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," and "Fast Times at Ridgemont High."
Or, maybe, the Polish brothers will have a different ending when it comes out nationwide! Just hoping...



Thanks for your review, doug-990.
I'll definitely go to see this movie when it'll be released in Europe.


Excellent review that needs to be at the top of the message board. I think many people don't really get the Polish brother style of storytelling. I personally don't see any of the 60s film style you did but rather felt an 80s vibe but I'm by no means a film expert.
I'd like to add that the film did an amazing job of portraying 80s life without leaving the modern day setting and even juxtaposing the two.

