what a terrible ending

did they run out of money? was this movie JUST about the pursuit of a super orgasm? do french people really act like this? jumping on a whim from relationship to relationship and then having philosophical/intellectual discussions on park benches in between? Also, is it common to have mid life crises at 25? was there a reason to have the scene where her mild mannered friend admits to leaving her husband to pursue a relationship with an international criminal because she was "bored"? And then vanishes from the movie entirely? They seem to be battering us over the head with the message that "woman cant stand routine and will leave you and do crazy sexual things if you dont keep them satisfied". And this movie seems to be a poor excuse to show super hot french women having sex and masturbating while also carrying on discussions about astronomy, science and metaphysics. It seems an odd juxtaposition and I dont really think it worked. I can only assume the director is fascinated by all of those things and decided to put them all in the same movie for his amusement.



Glad I wasn't the only one!!!! Wasted my time watching this!
