MovieChat Forums > The Thaw (2010) Discussion > Too cold to release this movie.

Too cold to release this movie.

With record low temperatures this winter, this movie wouldn't really succeed at the horror aspect too well. If it were much hotter it could be more believable.




double bollocks!


yards of hundreds of massive hairy bollocks


The super-elite globalist think-tank, the Club of Rome, openly admitted in their book "The First Global Revolution", that global warming is a scam. They said, "We looked around for some reason for the public to give up their rights and get into panic and come together as a planetary citizenship of the world sort of idea [otherwise known as the New World Order]. We hit upon the idea of using the weather as the problem, global warming". Just because you've heard something a thousand times from the five massive conglomerates that make up the mass media doesn't make it true. In reality, it's almost certain to be a lie. There's no conspiracy "theory" involved - it's an open admission of conspiracy fact.

I kill for Zardoz


Damn, nailed it!

I run around in circles, it is my metaphor


Yeah, the scriptures, that's where I go for my science news. I only wish it were shocking.


"Global warming" is a misnomer. It should be called "Climate Change" as it does not necessarilly mean the Earth is warming, but weather is becoming more extreme. Yes, this past winter was one of the coldest on record, and why do you think that is? Climate change is causing summers to be hotter and winters to be colder, not just hotter all year round. I love how rednecks always use the same excuse, "It got cold here last winter, global warmin' ain't real!" Are you really so ignorant to think just because it got cold in your podunk little town that the Earth's climate as a whole is not changing? Are you honestly so stupid or so ignorant to believe humans have little effect on the environment. There are 7 billion of us, using more resources than any other animal and you think we are not affecting our environment? You amaze me.


You greeny wackos change the name of the issue when it is convenient for you.

"Oh noes, the planet isn't cooling like we thought it would (damn you, computer models), so now it's going to get warmer, yeah, and man did it,,ooh yeah, so they wont complain when we rob them blind and pass policies that will have little or no success at changing the weather patterns.

I love how the libbies condescend anyone who doesn't agree with them. You're either a redneck or a neo con, which I am not. But if it makes you think you "shamed" me into your narrow view of things, go right ahead and say I'm a redneck. Liberals/Progressives are for communism. Call it what you want, but whats going on today seems mighty familiar. Seems some other countries have tried this socialism and have failed at it

I run around in circles, it is my metaphor


> You greeny wackos change the name of the issue when it is convenient for you.

The Bush administration poh-pohed Mother Nature and explained that Iraq got WMD. Guess who among the two nuked New Orleans.

Probably they changed the name from "Mother Nature" to "Iraq" because it was convenient for them.

Global warming is not a political question, it is a scientific one. It becomes political only because of the interest involved (usually $$$).


You greenies crack me up. What arrogance! To think mankind can change weather patterns is ludicrous. They base their info on computer models. Numbers can be manipulated. That's why they keep changing the name of the so called crisis. If one model says its going to be colder but is hotter, its the planet is warming. If it states we are heading for another ice age, you call it global cooling. Hilarious, and sad at the same time

I run around in circles, it is my metaphor


> To think mankind can change weather patterns is ludicrous.

How so?

> Numbers can be manipulated.

True: look at the subprime crisis. The reason? Make a quick buck witn no regard for the far reaching consequences.

> If it states we are heading for another ice age, you call it global cooling.

Actually no. What keeps Northwestern Europe climate reasonably mild is the Gulf Current, which brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico to Noth Europe across the Atlantic. If enough icecap melts, the colder waters will mix with the Gulf Current, thus causing a shift towards *colder* climate. This is just one example.

People have no problem in accepting that a cold brings a fever, or that a fever brings shivers. No one calls this "hilarious, and sad". But just mix a little bit of politics with science and you will see scores of useful lemmings ready to throw away their brains for their credo.


Erm, yes, numbers can be manipulated, by both sides, remind you. Now, look at this:

* Scientists need fundings for research and they usually get it from the government but also from the industry (which is basically the same anyway, industry and corpations fund/bribe the governments via donations)
* If global warming/climate change would turn out to be man-made, this would be bad news for the industry (resource waster No.1) and in consequence for governments (because they are basically run by the industy and corporations). It is not in their interest for global warming/climate change to be true because if they had to act accordingly, they would lose lots of money

So, I ask you, who would actually manipulate numbers and in what direction, hm?

Another thing to consider:
Whether it is true or not, it can't hurt to be more thoughtful regarding the limited resources out planet holds! We have nothing to gain and everything to lose when disregarding global warming/climate change as a hoax.



If you think the reason this movie wasn't a success is because of cold weather, then your understanding of movies is about as deep as your understanding of science.
