MovieChat Forums > The Thaw (2010) Discussion > Annoying thing I learned from this movie...

Annoying thing I learned from this movie....

1. When attempting to amputate someones arm with an axe, don't be prepared in any way. Do not fashion a tourniquet that works, and don't prepare any method of cauterising the stump. Dabbing a towel on the arm will stop the bleeding and raising the stump above your head will be enough to stop blood loss. Also, morphine (or any drug) is injected simply by stabbing the needle into the arm in a random fashion - don't be bothered by such trivialities as ensuring you are in a vein by drawing back on the syringe!

2. When confronted by an obviously contagious disease, ensure you spend as much time around the bodies/infected as possible. Touching them a great deal helps, as does repeatedly entering a sealed off area to fetch unnecessary crap.

anyone else?

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge - Bertrand Russell


Well it didn't matter anyway, because his entire body was already infected.


I found their reactions are acts believable. After all, those characters were just some afraid youngsters. Were they havebeen personnel from the CDC or clinicians they would have behaved very differently.!A4F38CCBF7246EAC!442.entryAnimadrid 2008


3. When approaching a dead body ( or bodies ) that has been infected . Don't bother to wrap it up tightly and take it outside to be burned just put it into another room of the compound building and let it fully infest the rest of the building and the surrounding area 😱 .

4. Don't watch your dog closely just let him or her eat dead animals on the ground 😮 .

5. That this disappointing movie was a teenybopper version and a rip-off of the 1982 movie " The Thing " - IMPO 😑 .

6. Certain characters were completely unlikable in this movie IMPO 😔 .

7. That talking about " sacrifice " is pointless when you're about to " infect yourself " with a dangerous ancient parasite on video for others to view . It didn't help anyone in this movie - damage was already done IMPO 😒 .

( Thanks Pegasus7 for your subject post ☺ . )


8) You can interchangeably refer to an organism as both a "bug" and a "vertebrate" even though the organism you have described and diagramed clearly has a hard exoskeleton.

9) It is clearly more important to read research field notes than it is to attend to your friend going into blood-loss induced shock.

10) You can survive a gunshot at close range and crawl/walk/hobble several miles undetected by people driving by on an ATV all while fighting off a parasitic infection far longer than anyone else.

11) You need bug spray in Arctic or near-Arctic regions.

12) Research scientists concerned about the environment and global warming refuse to sacrifice the convenience of aerosol bug spray.

13) I'm not sure how to spell "aerosol".

14) I need to stop letting my dog eat dead things she finds in the yard.


15) you are dealing with an infectious parasite - don't bother to wear gloves.

16) after scratching an open wound - constantly - don't bother to wash your hands, and put them on everyone you come in contact with.

17) After your friend dies, and there's blood bubbling out of her mouth from some kind of infectious parasite? Attempt to do mouth to mouth.

18) When you're checking on that dead polar bear that's died from an infectious disease? Don't bother to wear any gloves.
