MovieChat Forums > Wild Target (2010) Discussion > I think it's rated exactly what it shoul...

I think it's rated exactly what it should be...

A movie like this will always be a miss for quite a few people; it's expected. But for those of us who enjoyed it, it was a refreshing break from the norm. I came to this movies page to rate it a solid 7, and it's sitting almost right where I think it should be. It's not great, but it's certainly more enjoyable than the average comedy these days. (In my opinion!)

What I don't understand is the hate from both sides. If you liked it, fine. If you didn't like it, fine. There is absolutely no reason to start insulting one another. It's kind of like dumping a drink over someone's head because they didn't like your favorite entree.


I don't normally vote, but on this one I felt it deserved a rating, and I'm disappointed to discover you cannot rate a film 0/10 on IMDB. I saw nothing in this film to justify the 1 mark I had to give it. The premise, the plot, the resolution, the ending, the characters, the acting, direction, editing, even the soundtrack had nothing to say for it. I did consider giving up on it about 40 minutes in but was curious to see if it could get any worse.

Nighy, Everett and Freeman phoned in their performances, but Grint and Blunt were totally awful and completely unbelievable as their characters. The supporting cast to a man hammed up their roles.

I remember seeing the trailer for this a while ago and thinking it looked interesting, funny and exciting. If I could rate the trailer, I would have to give it 10 out of 10, considering the material the trailer makers had to work from.

I'm wondering about the original French film it was based on, maybe this was just a misconceived attempt to bridge a cultural disconnect? I don't believe the French are capable of making a film this bad.
