MovieChat Forums > Wild Target (2010) Discussion > 'How much do you weigh?'

'How much do you weigh?'

Can anyone please explain to me why Rose askes every guys she's going to sleep with how much he weighs?


My take on it: we're supposed to imagine a not quite defined neurosis, fetish, or preference. . .



perhaps she's deciding who'll be on top? i.e. she doesn't wish to be squashed!


It appears the young lady has an obsessive compulsive disorder of some kind. As she cannot stop stealing things. i took the weight thing to be an extension of that.


Maybe it leads into some clever chat up line?

"Humanity... Most of humanity still point at planes."



What do you wait? You realise that makes absolutely no sense, right?

'Hold the newsreader's nose squarely, waiter, or friendly milk will countermand my trousers.'


Yeah, that was pretty stupid. She obviously says, "What do you whey?" to see if they like cheese.

I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time.


No, no, no----she quite clearly inquires,"What is the way?" because she is searching for salvation.


Haha, what a *beep* idiotic response.


i think because girls like to feel a guy's weight on top of them but don't like to be crushed, but a lighter than what they usually have or think is ideal isn't a good thing too.


> i think because girls like to feel a guy's weight on top of them but don't like to be crushed,

But I think girls, and this girl in particular, can pretty accurately guess a man's weight. And plus, she seems to go for the fit young men that aren't very heavy in the first place.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I think it is because she is sizing up every single person she meets as a potential 'mark' in every way, shape, and form.

"How much do you weigh?" is another way of saying, what size clothes do you wear, how big is that ring, etc...


That is a good answer about sizing them up. I thought it was just a semi-clever way to imply that she would sleep with them and accomplish it without a great amount of dialogue.


It's consistent with her other compulsive 'whacky' behaviour and also serves to underscore that age difference (ie Victor and her) has no bearing on whether she will have sex with a guy.


Why does every silly little question need an answer?

I thought it was a quirky Tarantino-style line and enjoyed it for what it was. No explanation necessary.

Confused?.....You will be.
