MovieChat Forums > Wild Target (2010) Discussion > Homosexuality - Spoilers

Homosexuality - Spoilers

Am I the only one who was confused by the whole "gay" thing? Rose hints at it and then Maynard tells Tony he is sexually confused but then it gets completely ignored after that...

Anyone know what was up with that?

"It's when you start to become really afraid of death that you learn to appreciate life."


I think that the whole point was to show that both had feelings for each other, but due to another reason, since the whole gay hypothesis gets discarded directly as soon as Tony stands up and nothing happens! You know, I'm pretty convinced that Maynard is Tony's father actually (and even if he wasn't he ends up acting like one for him)


> Am I the only one who was confused by the whole "gay" thing?

The gay thing was just a red herring. As the mother said, 50-year old guys that live with their mothers tend towards gayness. That's a convincing idea so he began wondering whether it may be true.

But when Tony stood up in the bath and Maynard's first thought was how to save his bonsai tree, he knew that he wasn't gay at all and the movie never needed to address the issue again.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I thought it was funny, wasn't hard to understand..
