
We walked out of 'Death at a Funeral' beacause it was so bad so walked in to this shower of *beep*
It's the worse kind of "British' film,it feels like it was written for John Cleese but he's not been funny since, sorry he's not funny so they got Bill Nighy to do a John Cleese impersonation,they drive 'round in a Mini.Oh yeah a bit like in 'Clockwise' or 'Mr Bean' or 'Faulty *beep* towers'
Dont bother wasting your time its cak.
And who ever produced it,next time get someone who can direct c o m e d y.



I agree with the OP.

I am staggered that anyone thought the script worth making into a film.

Bad Bad Bad.

Mindy, no more homework, babydoll. Time for Frank D'Amico to go byebye.


.... Says the guy who quotes Nicholas Cage in the worst movie he has ever starred in? Really?


Are you attempting to defend Wild Target?


And to cement your stupidity you take a swipe at Kick Ass.


Wild Target was a very decent remake of the classic Cible émouvante. I am merely shrugging at your horrid taste in films.


I'm really shrugging that you come on here masquerading as film buff. I'd rather rub broken glass into my own eyes, and yours as I think it would help you, than be forced to watch this travesty again. Or, for that matter, any garbage you think is good because you have the taste of a retarded child.

Remake you say? That's akin to bringing Jimmy Savile back from the dead.


Nice necro.

Old as sh*t comment? Check.
Personal attack? Check.
Wild insinuation? Check.
Namecalling? Check.
Inaccuracy? Check.

Come on, you can do better than that.


"... And you are?

Wonderful scene. Had me laughing.


I had no expectations of the film and discovered delightfully light hearted whimsy. I thoroughly enjoyed it even though it seemed more than a little unlikely that Blunt would fall for the aged Nighly, it was not out of character for her compulsive absurdity.
I thought both Blunt and particularly Nighly were terrific.
Anyone who didn't watch through to the end and missed the "and you are?" scene, you missed a truly lovely piece of acting by Nighly and the best laugh of the entire film.
This is not a side splitting comedy, it is gentle and light hearted amusement. Reminded me of the absurdity of PG Wodehouse.
I now understand this to be a remake of a French film and look forward to watching the original.




I can't believe this is rated so highy on here. I walked out after a hour, had I not got so much to do that day I'd have stayed to the end but I really don't feel like I missed out by leaving. It was very disappointing, the usually very watchable Bill Nighy was really hamming it up as was Martin Freeman - it was terrible to watch and the script wasn't even remotely believable. Like a bad TV series.


And I thought it was one of the funniest recent British films.
Who cares about realism? I want to have fun, laugh, to like the characters.
The rating here is like it deserves, stop hating.


Man, I am with you. I rarely post on these forums but I came here to say this was one of the most enjoyable films I've seen in a long while.


this was an incredibly entertaining watch ...unfortunately, ..or perhaps not that unfortunately, the OP has absolutely no idea what he's talking about ...

do androids dream of electric sheep ? ...


Well said. I think the OP is smoking crack, but everyone's entitled to their opinion ;)


Heck, I'm American and even I thoroughly enjoyed this film. The cast was perrrrrfect and the chemistry just worked.

Let's face it, most of the reviewers are too snobby to simply enjoy the simplicity of a film and have to over analyze everything. It gets old. This film was fun the entire time....enough said.


its not about realism, its about laziness, it was cliche ridden and the characters esp the chick just do stupid things to move the plot along.


Before I watch a movie I don't know much about I tend to check the rating on the site and the reviews on this message board. After reading this thread I had my doubts about this movie but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway and to my surprise I actually enjoyed it and thought it was a very good movie. I'm not British and rarely do I watch British movies so I wasn't too sure what to expect with this one. However, it was a good watch and entertaining throughout. Definitely recommend it!


We saw it today and thought it hilarious. I loved the gestures to other films - two quick examples the red Mini (Italian Job) and Psycho. I'm not British but we Australians often love British comedy.


esp the chick just do stupid things to move the plot along.

I enjoyed the movie, but that was a beef with me as well. There is reckless and carefree, and there is just stupid. She was just too stupid.

On the run with a million pounds and she shoplifts junk? Nobody on the planet is that compulsive or stupid. But again, I didn't mind the movie. It had some fun parts. It could have used a good rewrite. great cast.


I liked the film. I didn't realise it was Jonathan Lynn-he's directed some of my favourite films! Me, my brothers and Dad have our family comedies that all our friends HATE. Greedy, My Cousin Vinny, Nuns on the Run, Clue, and a couple of other's not directed by him. I think this would fall into that catagory-films we like but most people hate haha.

I can see why, the film was stupid and agree with a few posts on here the girl did stupid stuff that was too ridiculous. I was getting a bit fed up. Pretty poor script, okish story, great directing.


On the run with a million pounds and she shoplifts junk? Nobody on the planet is that compulsive or stupid. But again, I didn't mind the movie. It had some fun parts. It could have used a good rewrite. great cast.

I guess I didn't have a problem with this at all. I saw her as more than just an ignorant thief.

Kleptomania - An obsessive impulse to steal regardless of economic need.

Kleptomania involves a failure to resist impulses to steal items that are not needed or sought for personal use or monetary value. Kleptomania should be distinguished from shoplifting, in which the action is usually well-planned and motivated by need or monetary gain.

I saw her as a little more than just a carefree thief who takes what she wants. Its like no matter where she goes she has to take something. Tony comes hauling ass out of the elevator with all their stuff in a panic and she's grabbing silverware. She probably did go into the corner store to go to the bathroom and then started grabbing items.

Its like Victor said. She needs protected from herself!

When the hurly-burly's done. When the battle's lost and won.


I've never seen a film before where the characters do something completely out of character to advance the plot...
Except for pretty much every action film in living memory.
This is hardly a deal breaker in the genre of absurd comedy.


It is a very crude film. Your exhortation to the OP is quite undeserved.


Good performance from Rupert Grint. The movie wasn't too bad, wasn't great


this movie is FANTASTIC!
you sir and guyz that dont like this movie have a really boring and sad life!



Remember 'Prizzi's Honor', Kathleen Turner, Jack Nicholson? Two competing hitters trying to work their way up through a pretty whacked La Familia? First murder, true love, and suddenly they can't keep their damn hands to themselves?

And then he kills her.

Man, what a great show! _Finally_ the woman loses 'just because that's the way the story happens'.

I was waiting for a similar 'head bursts into pink mist like an overripe melon right as she is about to say/do/steal something else stupid!' moment from the very first time I saw Rose in Maynard's scope.

If nothing else, it's the perfect 'A boy should love his mother...' set up for a similar 'Psycho' moment between Victor and Louisa.

Which would have been an absolutely hilarious _double tap_.

"How did I ever get myself into this?!? Oh well, simple way out, my mistake, so sorry: Btapt!"

"I need a vacation...and not with YOU! Btapt!"

When you are rooting for the bad guy to be bad to the 'good' girl because obviously her end of the gene pool needs a little chlorine, you know something is seriously messed up in a 'comedy'.

And I enjoyed Fawlty Towers! I just wish that there was a garden gnome handy when I saw this godawful waste of celluloid, me and Johathan Lynn would have had an entirely different kind of date with destiny...




The OP is correct, this is a woefully unfunny, and horribly tedious dogs dinner of a film. What a shocking waste of a talented cast, however, a very typical British "comedy".


Agree - bland and unoriginal, waste of a good cast. I prefer a bit of wit with my comedy (4 lions x)
