MovieChat Forums > The Future (2011) Discussion > I had to give this film 1 star, I wanted...

I had to give this film 1 star, I wanted to give it -10

I lasted 30 minutes and then walked out of the cinema. Absolute and utter garbage - this film actually made me angry. Hipster douchebag pretentiousness.


I couldn't agree more. It was such a boring movie with unlikeable characters who are too obsessed with their own *beep* neuroses to react quick enough to save a poor, homeless cat from being euthanized. Cretins.

[alien]"The needs of the many..."
"...outweigh the needs of the few."[alien2]


Hehe, thank God for people like you two. I was weighing whether or not to watch this and you both confirmed my greatest misgivings with a pretty alarming level of accuracy ^_^.


No-one should judge a film after having walked out before the end.
Having said that (and I stayed until the end!), I have to agree that this was pretty dreadful. Quirky for the sake of quirkiness is never a good recipe for a film.


But what if you just can't endure it any further? I hit 20 minutes and just couldn't take it anymore. It was so awful! Do I have to wait another hour to confirm that it's actually that bad?


I loved it most at about the twenty minute mark.

See a list of my favourite films here:


I watched some 30-40 minutes, [spoiler]couldn't sit through it, but wanted at least to get to see the poor, pathetic little cat go home with them, so I fastforwarded. I was amazed to find the woman having an affair (Apparently the Internet was the only thing holding their marriage together!). I fastforwarded more & saw the horrendous part where the cat dies, unclaimed & unloved and nearly threw up. It looked like the couple might reunite at the end, but by then I didn't care & turned it off.

It's bad enough to have the maudlin whiney-voiced cat as narrator, but then to have it die unwanted & hear it pontificate on what that felt like was just too much! This tops even Remains of the Day for worst ending in a movie!


Just ended and now I want to smash my tv. Hopefully I won't.

I like being a pessimist. It helps me deal with my inevitable failure.


I wouldn't say this movie follows quirky for the sake of quirkiness recipe.
I, for one, liked this movie. A cat waiting for the adoption was a nice allegory to a young love that hoped to blossom, but then perished away.


The cat seemed pretty happy after it died, to be fair. So what's the big deal?


Did you ever stop and think maybe that's what Miranda July was going for with these characters? Maybe you aren't supposed to like them, but you could feel a bit of sympathy for them being caught up as the people they are. The point to me is more so that they are victims of existence and circumstance, just as the cat was. They can't help or change what their own insecurities and neuroses are, nor can they change how easy it is for them to stop thinking about. This is exactly what makes them so human and easy to relate to. Also, what about the fact that they had a big enough heart to go consider saving a cat in the first place? There are plenty of humans who don't even have a big enough heart to do that in the world.


That was my problem, I had no sympathy for the characters at all.

The dude was a non entity. It's like he simply existed to be a quirky sounding board for the gf, who was herself a self absorbed slut. I mean, you cheat on your bf of 3-4 years because you can't dance? With a creepy old dude who buries his daughter no less?

I could get the symbolism of the film, but I found it very heavy handed, and I just didn't care about the characters. And yes, good for them, they rescued a cat that they promptly forgot about in favor of whoring and talking moons. Great people indeed.


You said what I was just going to say. But I'll go one further, I want to take that 'writer' and beat her up. She is an affront to other women writers (such as myself). TERRIBLE movie and I only watched it because I slipped on mud today during my exercise walk and tweaked my back. So all I could do when I limped home was sit in my recliner wearing my heating pad. It was too much effort to switch to another netflix move so I suffered til I could move again.

Life is a journey not a destination. Fear nothing.


I gave it a 1 (and would have given it a 0 if available). 2 nasty self absorbed people let a living thing die and they call this a comedy? WOW. What utter garbage. I wasted a $1 to rent this crap. I want my $1 back and I want Paw Paw back. God help the future if this is what people will be like...


it should be "outweigh the desires of the few"


Hipster douchebag pretentiousness.

Exactly what I thought. I was looking forward to seeing it and I usually enjoy indie-hipster films. Maybe it was just too indie and too deep for me.

You can't catch the wind!


the movie was horrible.....and I watched the whole thing!


That was the worst piece of trash I've ever seen. It had no redeeming qualities at all. Usually I can find one decent thing about any movie. Not this time.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


message boards have always been an ambiguous thing for me-- i enjoy reading through them, either with clenched fists or an urgent smile, yet never participated. you could say i'm a lackadaisical cinephile. but after watching this film, and loving her previous work, i felt compelled to respond to everyone and ask a few questions, hoping for a polite response. (i apologize for the length, thank you for reading)

firstly, there's absolutely nothing wrong with walking out of a film before finishing it, as some of you have done with this film. however, your opinion of that film is ultimately without merit and deserves no respect. if a professional critic gave a full review of a film he/she watched only a third of, that critic's reputation and entire oeuvre would be tarnished (as a few have). you can have an opinion about something you know VERY little about, but don't expect it to be appreciated by anyone, as it is obviously inconsequential. honestly, i'm asking-- why would you think your opinion has relevance when it's incomplete?

next, i completely understand why people would dislike this film (or any film for that matter; taste is subjective). but, can someone please answer me, WHY THE HELL would anyone spend the time to proclaim their contempt to the vast and anonymous internet? maybe if there was something along the lines of a critical analysis, something tangible in your disgust, a reason, anything, MAYBE then i could understand, even though you're just another anonymous nobody in the void of cyber nobodies, screaming 'I EXIST' to the deaf ears of the world. i'm an anonymous nobody here, too, but i'm at least trying to be constructive.

also, i don't particularly understand why 'unlikeable characters' is synonymous with 'bad cinema.' are the murderers of 'The Godfather' likeable, or the criminals of nearly every gangster film? does Hunter S. Thompson, drugged out, complacent to pedophilia, offensive to everyone, make 'Fear and Loathing' a bad film? how about the whiny, eternally malcontent characters of Woody Allen's films-- does that mean he hasn't made a good film? the list is endless. i mean, come on, neither 'Seinfeld' nor (especially) 'Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia' don't have the most likeable characters, but does that mean the shows are worthless? and if a cat dies, who cares? i'm sure nobody refused to see 'Meet the Parents' or 'There's Something About Mary' just because of the 'unfortunate' things which happen to animals in those films. true art is not about the subject matter-- it's not so much the WHAT, as it is the HOW. i have absolutely no interest in wrestling, but i liked 'The Wrestler.' i'm an atheist but i love the religious iconography of medieval Russia. and i don't like bed-head, Etsy-shopping 'hipsters' and adulterers, but i loved 'The Future.'

i don't understand how this film could lack any redeeming qualities, as one commenter stated. yes, this film could've been terribly trite and utterly banal, because it's subject matter is admittedly TRITE and BANAL. but it transcends its content through its form. its magic realism (or surrealism, or poetic realism, choose your adjectives freely) and abandonment of traditional narrative confines are bold and admirable. it is a quiet and heartbreaking meditation on time, responsibility (and the lack thereof), and the unfortunate misgivings of a generation. and if anything, it is a total affront to 'hipster pretentiousness,' attacking these characters whimsical indifference, illuminating their passivity and warning the audience not to simply wait for the future to happen, but to act and to act now, because you never know when it's too late. and as far as a technical piece of craftsmanship-- the score by jon brion is gorgeous, the cinematography and color palette perfectly compliment the tone and themes of the film, the editing is swift and precise, the acting must be good if it provoked such a strong and negative response from so many people (interviews and videos featuring Miranda July, along with her short stories and columns/essays about her, prove conclusively that she is NOT 'Sophie' from this film), the script is very precise and water-tight, etc ad infinitum. just getting an independent film made is a great accomplishment. making one as technically proficient as this one, well... let's just say it certainly has at least one redeeming quality.

if anyone has answers for me, or a response, i'd appreciate it. thanks for reading this. and if you hated this film before finishing it, or refuse to watch it because a cat dies (not onscreen, and it's more metaphorical than literal...hell, the cat even goes to 'heaven,' or at least has a happy ending), please, give it a second chance before forming such strong opinions and spreading them across the internet, possibly persuading potential viewers to not watch the film, which would be tragic in its own right. thanks again,



Superb review/retort with which I most emphatically agree.

Miranda July is an artist of incredible skill, talent & integrity. She's accomplished here what Woody Allen & Seinfeld, among many other more "successful" film makers, have striven for for many years with much less success. And she's done it without the mitigating wisecracks & happy endings.

I fear however that you & she are addressing a deaf audience in this forum. What the people here are looking for are movies that make them "happy" & help them "feel good".

Above all they hate seeing their empty lives satirized.

Another bulls-eye for MJ.


It's so underrated- just like bladerunner


I just want a movie where something happens, especially that which is described in the totally disconected blurb about the characters' affecting space and time, or whatever. Nothing like that happened! Same with their getting off the Internet.

There are enough boring, fake people in my life - I don't need to watch a movie to see them.


The contempt that they shared is worth the same amount of energy that you put into your diatribe as a fan of the film. It's a message bored to throw their two cents into, not an exclusive club for the elite who either understand or don't understand the film. Get a life, yourself, before you judge the energy of another. Or just turn it off and walk away, as the OP did by walking out of the theater. Somethings are not made for everyone.

-I'm going to remake Transformers 3. No CGI! In 4-D! Smell-o-vision!-


I agree with you - why would anyone take the time to proclaim their disdain of this film to anonymous internet users? I have NEVER taken the time to create an account and post an opinion about a film (or anything else) - pro or con. However, I did take the time in this case to let others know that to me, this is the MOST HORRIBLE movie, EVER and that if one loves animals, one should NOT watch this movie. It is not a feel-good, happy or funny movie. I did not like the characters, the story or the depressing overall tone of this movie. Why did I continue to watch it? Because being the sucker I am, I somehow thought that the couple would go pick up the cat and somehow their common love of the cat would magically make them realize how much they love one another. I am truly a stupid schmuck for thinking this but it is the happy Christmas season ..... . To me, this movie was depressing and disturbing AT BEST. I watched it because I like "Richie" in the New Adventures of Old Christine.

IMDB's description as a "Comedy" is absolutely misleading.

I have learned my lesson - don't waste a minute watching a movie without first consulting IMDB!


Well said! I am surprised at the vituperativeness of the negative reaction to this film, whose characters would undoubtedly be surprised to find they could evoke such hate. It makes me think that, on the contrary, the flick rings some uncomfortable bells in the minds or memories of the nay-sayers.
I for one found the characters very believable and could cite a number of examples among acquaintances from my own past - and present. The word is dysfunctional or malaise - is that a crime? The pacing was likewise perfect. I feel sorry for people who think it was too slow - is ADHD that pervasive in the States?
I likewise loved the conversation with the moon. If flights like this are too much for you, I wonder why you are watching movies in the first place, for their magic lies in such wonder-working.
Not as good as "You and Me...", but nevertheless a thought-provoking and enigmatic work with a very tight script and plot development.


A lot of very accurate comments, and some interesting questions in that response. I enjoyed 'The Future', but could imagine how badly the whole thing could've been if mishandled. The 'pretentious hipster' label seems out of place, I find only authenticity and sincerity at the heart of the film. Echoes of "Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" which also dealt with relationships falling apart. Your description 'quiet and heartbreaking' nails it - anyone familiar with the moment of break-up will recognise Jason's attempts to delay, then break free from that devastation. While magic realism can go horribly wrong, here it helps reveal the truth of what's really happening. Strange that so many conventional romcoms seem disconnected from human experience, but in this beautiful little film there's genuine insight and a delicacy of touch which makes it so moving.


Thank you for your thoughtful defense of this film.

I think the reason people disliked it so much is that the cat died. That made me extremely disheartened too. But remember that the couple was prepared to adopt it, it was just that the shelter insisted on keeping it 30 days to heal. I'd have to re-watch the film to be sure of all I'm saying, but in my view it was that proviso -- that little time warp -- that launched them on their journey of self-discovery. Because they wanted to be forever pet parents, they wanted to be sure their relationship was forever, too. To me that bespeaks the best of pet parents.

I loved the nuttiness of the couple. They just didn't make sense to ordinary mortals but they were possibly the only two people in the world who could understand each other. I am sad to read someone's opinion here that the character Jason had decided to move on. I thought by Sophie's returning and his letting her stay "one night" that that one night would go on and on and on. Remember, he was taken by his friend's artwork and collections that mirrored his/Sophie's and told Sophie what he had learned, that one or both would do terrible things before their relationship became permanent. So I was hoping one cat life would be worth the many lives of the relationship.

Cruelty to animals does seem to be a theme in Miranda July's work -- see her first feature, "Me and You and Everyone We Know." Of course, the animal there is a fish, but perhaps she is saying animals are often victims of cruel fate -- and we are, too. Maybe she's a closet murderer -- cruelty to animals is supposed to be a signal in the childhoods of people who turn into murderers. If so, she certainly turned her neurosis into something constructive, art- and film-making. If you read July's biography, you find she came from two probably very artsy, different intellectuals and grew up largely in Berkeley, so of course she's a little nutty! I really loved the way Jason and Sophie took their potential pet-parenting so seriously that, again, they wanted to make sure everything was secure in the home that was supposed to have become Paw-Paw's nest.

A few points about the reality of Paw-Paw's situation: a), the shelter might not have attempted to fix Paw-Paw in the first place, as he was feral; twice I took wild animals to vets who euthanized them. One was a turtle, the other was a raccoon. There very likely was nothing the vets could have done for them, but in reality a shelter might have found a reason not to help the wild Paw-Paw; b) in reality, Paw-Paw might not have cared a soux for his relationship with Sophie and Jason, wanting nothing to do with them. Correct me if I'm wrong, but feral cats that have been out in the wild for very long do not domesticate. Of course, Paw-Paw's having been down so long and nursed back to health might have helped him adjust. But that brings up point c), which is what really bothered me -- why, if the shelter went to all that trouble to cure him, would it have then been so swift to kill him? Waiting one day does not seem to have been a huge imposition. And couldn't they get a hold of Sophie or Jason? I suppose this is another quirk of fate that added to the tragedy: for some reason, Sophie turned off their internet; and neither had a cell phone? Or a phone? Perhaps the responsibility for Paw-Paw's death really does lie with them, but I was angry at the shelter. I'm not sure if in a real life a shelter that had put so much energy into saving a cat would have let it go that quickly; if Paw-Paw really was adoptable, the shelter might have put him up for adoption. And, finally, d), if all Paw-Paw was doing was staying off his foot, I think he could have done that at home with Sophie and Jason, who would have given him their own brand of strange but sublime nurturing.

Finally, my reaction to the overall plot: I was a little surprised by Sophie's getting together with the middle-aged creepy man but not surprised that she took a detour even if it was through suburban normalcy. Perhaps that meant she and Jason would end up with some semblance of normalcy which July might have dearly missed in her own childhood and which would further cement Sophie and Jason's permanence. Or perhaps it meant Sophie would never go back to that; or that suburban normalcy isn't always all that normal, given the daughter's night outside. At any rate, today, couples having glitches in which one or both cheat on each other but discover they were meant to be together and don't get overly worked up about it seems to be the trend: see Butter and Extract, to name two movies with such themes. I am relieved that many movies no longer have the obligatory "get out!" scene; such extreme reactions then require really lucky events to bring a couple back together and there is passionate making up, which really only sets people up for another violent cycle. The newer indie way of looking at love makes more sense.


I'm fairly certain the point of this movie is to invoke that reaction. Not so much to hate on hipsters, but more as a warning to hipsters to not pretentiously let their lives pass them by.


So. Does anyone of you actually have any sort of criticism other than that you felt socially insecure by the people in the film dressing better than you?




Those are not critiques of the film. They are critiques of the characters. If you think having characters act in a way that displeases you is enough of a reason to dismiss a film, you are hardly worth having a conversation about film with, in my opinion. Your claim that Miranda July's character is an offensive representation of autism is, in fact, relatively offensive in and of itself. Your suggestion that the movie is attempting to "endow her character with sympathy" by having her cheat on her boyfriend is idiotic at best. She places herself into a relationship with a father figure type in order to avoid having to confront the realities of adulthood. I feel like that's relatively obvious. It's not offensive to women. It's just something that some of them do some times.



Boy, I hope for your sake that you don't really hold a film studies degree.
Now that would be a waste...


A terrible one at that!

The mind boggles at the amount of people who went through the pain of posting their outrage that the characters were not only flawed human beings but, can you imagine, their action indirectly led to the killing of a cat! Oh, sorry, forgot that it's the internet :-)

Kind of reminds me of seeing Manhattan Murder Mystery, when quite a few people walked out early into the film. I was probably 11 at the time and still found enjoyment in the film but for some the body count was just too low... but at least no cats died.


Here are a few critiques of the actual Film:
- It is boring.
- The characters were not relatable or interesting.
- The portrayal of the cat was grating.

Defenders of the film may say that any of these, or other criticisms, were actually "the point", "intentional", or why they liked it. Good for you.
I hated this movie and I am sorry that I watched it.


Not as entertaining or accessible as "Me and You and Everyone We Know" but this movie has enough charm and nice low-key moments for me. LOVE Hamish Linklater in this. Also if you are already a fan of July's work or know anything about her art outside of her films would appreciate this more I think than just someone coming into the theater looking for 90 minutes of escapism

"Yes, I'd like a cheeseburger, please, large fries and a cosmopolitan!"


If you haven't watched it, your opinion is void.


"I walked out of a movie in the first act so thank god imdb exists so I can feel like my opinion matters regardless"
