What a joke

I have watched my last episode of this show. I just saw the "Hilary Decesare: Long Beach, Calif" episode which featured a remarkable eight year old boy who started his own organization to help both homeless adults and children.

He made a ton of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and along with Miss Decesare they visited a local park in Long Beach and handed them out to all the homeless people there. I thought how absolutely WONDERFUL! What a great kid! And so I decided to watch the rest of the episode so I could see how much the secret millionaire would donate to his organization. My mouth dropped open wide enough for an elephant to walk through when I saw her give him a check for a measly fifteen thousand dollars.

No thank you. I am done with this show.


I'm not done with the show, but I absolutely agree with you on the money thing. That's the one aspect of this show that has bothered me since I first started watching it last year--the way these MILLIONaires give such [sometimes] paltry amounts to organizations that I THOUGHT they'd give a lot to. I often sit here with my mouth open in disbelief at the measly amounts they give. Again, they're MILLIONAIRES! They can afford to give more than $10,000 or $15,000 to worthwhile organizations. Besides, I KNOW they can get tax breaks on all of this. So what's up with the stingy donations?!


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