Worth a watch?

On net flix is it worth watching? And has it been canceled?


YES! :) And yes :(


It was cancelled, but sadly so. Still, there are plenty of episodes to delve into on Netflix, and you will not be disappointed! I don't even compare it by season, that's how good it is. I'm halfway through season 2, and wishing it wouldn't end.

First of all, they actually do have a lot of useful information to help you detect lying, since they are based on the REAL Ekman group. Secondly, Tim Roth is wonderful to watch in just about anything, but his personality really shines in Lie To Me. He's beautifully obnoxious, and I really love every character on the show, for the most part (apart from Lightman's daughter, who starts off rather annoying, but gets more tolerable).

Please, watch this show and give it good ratings on Netflix! :)


My husband and I just started season one a few days ago, and have already watched nine episodes. We are loving it and are hooked! Very well written and acted!!


I just finished the last episode on Netflix and I wish there were more. It's definitely worth watching. The scenes between Cal and Emily (his daughter) were so touching and so well-acted, I found myself looking forward to them as much as the main storyline. Ditto between Cal and Foster. The three of them had amazing chemistry.


Have a few episodes left. Too bad it was cancelled. Me and my wife love this show. Roth is an excelllent actor! I want more! Must see!


I have no clue what you like, S-DerekT, but I'll try to explain what kind of show this is.
Tim Roth is great. He really is. His character fits him, and vice versa. But that's about the only positive thing about the show. It just doesn't fit. Now, to be honest, I've only watched the first season or so. And that's when I called it quits. None of it just fits. It's as stupid as NCIS or Bones. Only very few times is Tim Roth and his team actually "needed" (when finding the truth is all that matters). But the rest is just misplaced. I recall one episode about some mine workers getting stuck in a mine. Why is Tim Roth there? Of course as it turns out, his team really could help (obviously). But when people get stuck in a mine, the first thing I think of isn't "Hey, let's get some truth investigators out here!" The show is just really that badly written. It just doesn't fit, S-DerekT. Just watch Sherlock if you want some actual well-written investigation entertainment.
