The Proposal

Can someone explain why Ted left the girl he was in love with at the restaurant? Confuses throughout this whole movie. And when Ted went to see papers about his father, why did he get so mad? All I saw was the word "illegitimate"


Ted left Stephanie at the restaurant because he enjoyed playing mindgames. I thought that scene showed how twisted he was emotionally. Who proposes to someone and then leaves them?

He was angry because he was illegitimate. Meaning he was a "bastard" born outside of Wedlock. Back then people took that thing more seriously. He was dissappointed.

~I love the rhythm it is my methoood!~


Ted had worked really hard to make himself "respectable" so he could get back with Stephanie then reject her in order to get even with her for rejecting him.


As others have said, he rejected her as a way of getting some twisted justice in his mind. The thing about it is IF he had gone through with it, it would have shown he had actually matured, and instead, he proved what she had stated earlier about him lacking maturity.
It makes you wonder what would have happened if he had not left her that way. Would he have been a more mature person and ended his murderous ways? Would he have married her and started beating her, which is what he had grown up seeing with his grandfather being abusive?


But what I have learned he didn't propose to her irl, this scen is probaby done because just as someone said here show how twisted his mind was. She was the reason he picked girls that looked simular, he saw her in them all, and the horrible murders at campus was because he had been locked up a while and was exploding inside with rage, that was really terrible, the most terrible thig was the 14 year old girl that he murdererd just before the took him in again.

Both time the took him they didn't take him for making him (as Ted Bundy) it was because of his bad driving.

He had a longtime girlfriend that was the reason for the first tip to the police in Seattle, she left him after she understood that he was guilty, then he had a "girlfriend" that was with him to the end which he even got a daughter with, she lives at "secret" place with a different name today. I expect that daughter never wants anyone to know that she is the daughter of Ted Bundy.
