2014 vs 1987

I thought the 2014 movie had more HUMAN elements than the 87 movie because after they made him robocop; he visited his wife; son; enter acted with them; even mad jokes so why do some people feel the 87 movie was better?



^ This was better than anything in the remake.


WTH One Scence make a movie better? I gues because the 87 movie was either NC17 or R makes it better for the violence?


There are many better scenes in the original RoboCop. The first hour of the remake felt so dull compared to the fast paced action in the original. The RoboCop remake was not fun or entertaining. Studios remake these movies and try to make them these "serious" movies and it makes them boring.


There are many better scenes in the original RoboCop. The first hour of the remake felt so dull compared to the fast paced action in the original. The RoboCop remake was not fun or entertaining. Studios remake these movies and try to make them these "serious" movies and it makes them boring. What Scenes?


The family drama with RoboCop. The reveal of RoboCop and the general tone of the movie..

No fun with the remake and the same goes with the Point Break remake. Remakes forget about being entertaining and fun.


87 version is FAR better in every way.


I guess most everyone likes the 87 film because it was rated either nc-17 or r and they rather violence than more human elements from alex ?


No I think the emotion was done far better in the original. Alex trying to put together the pieces and remembering who he was . I thought that was far more sad than his family being there the whole time.


I don't rate a movie based on the rating.

Are you going to remake The Godfather with a PG-13 rating?


This movie really undermined its own message and required people to lose their minds in order to have something resembling villains.

In the original, the ED-209 was terrible. It's AI was buggy, and it wasn't able to function in a law enforcement capacity.

In the remake, the EM-208s and ED-209s work perfectly. They're safer and more reliable than humans. They've been deployed worldwide and act as law enforcement in other countries without incident. They've objectively been shown to save lives. Not using them should be a crime.

This alone completely undermines the film's emotion > machine message. There isn't an argument here. Using drones is absolutely and objectively the right thing to do, as they're presented in the film.

The veto of the Dreyfus Act repeal in the end was a tragedy that will certainly lead to unnecessary deaths.

Sellars also makes no sense as a villain compared to Dick Jones.

Dick Jones was an *beep* who cared about nothing but his own self-promotion, and was using Boddiker to assassinate his rivals long before the story started. The ED-209 was his baby, the Robocop project showed him up. His motivation to kill Murphy was three fold, to show that Robocop doesn't work, thus improve his position, to prevent Murphy from learning about his connection to Boddiker, and to soothe his ego.

Sellars, on the other hand, had absolutely no reason to kill Murphy. Robocop was his project. Robocop's success was his success. He just had to sit back and watch it happen. He'd basically won, until he decided to kill Murphy for no reason.

It's like, they were two-thirds of the way through writing the script and realized that they didn't have an actual villain, so they just made Sellars go insane.


It also makes me wonder where did they get the idea to have this Robocop use a Motorcycle? Was it part of that "Robocop And The Ultra Police" toyline that bombed from the 80s? And please no troll like answers.


and here's the toy i was talking about if anybody was from the 80's...



They got it from The Dark Knight, "let's make him black and have a motorbike like that wildly popular Batman film and get Gary Oldman in for a few days filming because he was in that too. Oh yeah Samuel Jackson is popular as well now because of the Marvel movies let's get him in for a day to shout at the camera!"


They got it from The Dark Knight, "let's make him black and have a motorbike like that wildly popular Batman film

Somehow I'm not buying it... I'm not convinced that the bike itself was from Nolan's Batman Movies. I think it was from that dead "Robocop and the ultra police" toyline from the 80s. i mean it doesn't take much of a genius to put those 2 pics i posted before together.

Oh yeah Samuel Jackson is popular as well now because of the Marvel movies let's get him in for a day to shout at the camera!

Oh please... Samuel Jackson was way popular before he was in Marvel movies like Pulp Fiction, Star Wars prequels, Shaft, Rules of Engagement, etc so please get your facts straight.



I thought the remake was OK to a degree but this point really bugged me.

Sellars becomes the villain basically because there was no one else. It seemed so lazy. They could at least have written some better motivation/foreshadowing but it was so silly and arbitrary.

This really brought the movie down, IMHO, the mistake was making Sellars basically sympathetic from the beginning, so his turn makes no sense without proper motivation.

It is the nature of man to confuse genius with insanity


Sellars becomes the villain basically because there was no one else. It seemed so lazy. They could at least have written some better motivation/foreshadowing but it was so silly and arbitrary.

This really brought the movie down, IMHO, the mistake was making Sellars basically sympathetic from the beginning, so his turn makes no sense without proper motivation.

Trust me i argued about this in another board with another user named The_paranoid_android who claimed that everyone in this movie had secrets that Murphy didn't want to uncover which i didn't buy at all.


Just finished watching.

Compared to all the other crap that Hollywood is trying to reboot and remake, I thought this version was decent. i give it a B.


The 2014 movie was going for a more political science fiction direction rather than being a goofy R rated sci-fi action like the original, its a more serious film focusing on the humanity of the character. They undid what they were going for in RoboCop 1 by reverting Murphy back to being an emotionless machine in RoboCop 2.


a goofy R rated sci-fi action like the original

You couldn't be any more wrong!

The original was satire, It was used to mock 80's corporate america, Capitalism. Also mocking consumerism, People will buy anything, "6000 S.U.X a American tradition" Basically saying they will sell them a terrible car and they still buy it...

It had themes of religion, Death and resurrection and of course Revenge...

So no the original was not just a goofy sci fi...

The new movie was rubbish, The moment he found he was just a head lungs and a hand, He would mentally break down, We should of had the scene from Robocop 2 when the cyborgs went nuts and committed suicide...

Also including the family in the new film was a mistake, He had died in the original so his family moved on, That added to his anger for his revenge and he had to live with what he has lost but his sense of duty keeps him going...

While this he still had his family, That didn't work...


The original has a better design, better action, musical score, acting, story...I could go on. It's action packed, funny, thrilling, emotional and tragic. Why would we want a more human ROBOCOP? The scene where he visits his house and his family are gone and he has all the flashbacks is so powerful. People saying it's about the rating, I don't think so, even without the gore the original is 100 times superior


This. I expected so much from RubberCop and then it blew up in my face. 


It was better than I expected but the stuff with Sellers annoyed me. He mentioned that Murphy was going to discover that Omnicorp had been lying to him. But it was never explained what this lie was. I was half expecting it to turn out that they were connected to the criminals in the attempt to kill Murphy. Also the story with the police chief just ended when they shut Murphy down. I would have expected at least some scene at the end with her being arrested or even a news headline about her resignation.

As for the drones being perfect, one of them did kill a child holding a knife in Iran. Why wasn't that referenced by Sellers or Dreyfus? Even to just include a scene of Sellers reviewing the footage and commenting on how much political damage it could do.


I think that what Sellars means by Omnicorp lying to Murphy refers to the "Illusion of free will" scene, where Gary Oldman reveals that the software takes over the decision making process during combat while fooling Murphy into still being in control. Still, that was a pretty lame excuse for turning Sellars into a villain threatening to kill Alex's wife.


1987 for its innovation. 2014 for the philosophical aspects explored.
