MovieChat Forums > The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations (2009) Discussion > She Still Would've Cheated on Him, Right...

She Still Would've Cheated on Him, Right???

At the end of the film and the timeline that stays, his girlfriend would have still cheated on him before their baby was born. So why is this supposed to be a psuedo happy ending? I mean, they stayed together long enough to have a kid but that doesn't change the fact of Loni getting with her. Or does somehow his sister being dead change the outcome of his and his girlfriends realtionship???


he was with her sister the one who wanted him to help her save lonnie from death row

the cheating girlfriend probably stayed with lonnie


hey you're right! he was with her sister Eli in the end.
i didn't see Lonnie in the ending though


She cheated because she thought Sam was following her. She thought she had a creepy boyfriend. But it was actually Jenna following her around because she was jealous & crazy. With Jenna out of the picture, she was never followed and never cheated.


And how do you know she cheated because she thought she was followed?

I mean, that's a stupid idea.


in the diary it says that she thought she was being followed, but it couldnt be sam because he didnt know about her and lonnie.

she thought she was being followed, but this was already after she started the affair with lonnie.

There are too many mediocre things in life to deal with. Love shouldn't be one of them.


to the original poster.

NOTHING really makes sense in The Butterfly Effect 3 regards to time travel happening.

Only the first Butterfly Effect with Ashton Kutcher made sense. EVERYTHING, except for Lanny killing Tommy, made complete sense in regards to Evan traveling through time.

A lot of RANDOM things changed in The Butterfly Effect part 3. They seemed to change out of nowhere, with no explanation, and no actual cause.


It did seem like the writers just filled in whatever they wanted to fit their script. We never get any back story like the first movie had, so it's hard to sympathize with Sam, because I know nothing about him. Same with Jenna. Same with Goldberg, No explanation why Sam was this way, no finding out why he was that way, though he got a job as a psychic (but no back story on that either) left me with a lot of questions.
