Both Females?

To be honest I haven't actually watched Butterfly Effect 3 though I have seen 1 & 2. I came to this board to find out a little bit about it first.

Anyway I noticed that in 1 & 2 that the time travelers were the only child and both males. From what I've read here #3 has two children, both time travelers, one of which is female and evil. At the end, the daughter of the male time traveler seems to come across as evil too.

Do you think it's just a coincident that both the unbalanced ones are female? Maybe the writers were trying to imply that female brains are affected more by the time travel gene mixed with a hormonal effect or something?

I might be way off but it just seemed like more then a coincident that daughter ended up seeming evil too without a reason for it.

I agree with most the posts that the sister couldn't jump into the embryo of the daughter.


I think I see what you mean. But I guess they were just males and only childs, well just cause, just a coincidence.

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I think only Sam had the power. Jenna pulled herself into his time travels as opposed to doing them herself.

I think the power makes everyone crazy even the males. Evan killed himself in the director's cut. Evan also killed Tommy when Tommy was down on the ground with mace in his eyes and not fighting Evan anymore. Evan kicks and punches him many times without him fighting back and then kills him with a bat. It's all very psycho to me when he could have just maced him and then had the cops deal with it.

His dad, Jason was in a mental hospital and tries to kill Evan...Evan's granddad died at the young age of 40 in a mental why are only the female ones psycho? I think the brain damage doesn't work out with the men either. They all end up crazy no matter their sex.

I have a theory that Sam's daughter Jenna jumped back in time to kill Sam's sister, since she puts her blond haired doll on the fire and Jenna died in a fire. Maybe she did that to save herself.


Females are crazy and unbalanced by nature, has nothing to do with time travel. :)
