An insulting pile of rubbish

This film is based on a real event, the very brave rebellion of Georgian soldiers on a Dutch island.
However the writer and director have somehow turned it into a vague children's story about butterflies, half witted silly girls and dancing.
The story makes no sense, the acting is odd, half the time you're wondering what the hell is happening and why everyone is being silly.

There is a very cliche sad view on collaboration, resistance and how people behaved during the war that barely gets enough attention.

The film is FULL of mistakes, wrong hairstyles, unauthentic details, dody storylines, etc.

The director and writer seem to be stuck in the 1970s because they of course HAD to put in full frontal nudity (yay we're Dutch, we have to be rebels and break the ruls...), we need Germans who are nice (aren't we shocking!), resistance who are a bunch of clowns, civilians who need to be nasty to our poor girl for hanging around the Germans, more nudity, a sex scene, etc, etc.
Dear god, did someone clone Paul Verhoeven?
Dear filmmakers, the 1970s are over, you've done your bit, move on, grow up.

But above it just being a weird silly film, the worst is that it is insulting to the actual real story of the Georgian uprising.
This amazing event is used as a backdrop to a silly romance.
I call that the Titanic complex;
"A film is based on a real event that is more than enough to make a film about, yet or some weird reason romance and action scenes are made up and added."

This real story deserves a good big budget film that shows exactly what happened.
Not a teenage romance that only has a few minutes of heavy stylised images of the rebellion.

In short, if this fim was all made up, it would just be a bad, silly, weird film.
But being based on a real story, made me feel disgusted about it.
